Themeover Support Forum

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Topic Voices Posts
Compatibility issue with Cloudways hosting fixed in version 1 1
User Roles and Capabilities 2 13
Does Microthemer works with WP Rockets 2 7
swapping an object image 2 3
multiple box-shadow 2 3
Centered images 2 4
Parent hight ignoring child hight 2 3
Select child elements of a wrapper 2 3
Coloring SVGs 2 3
Microthemer not loading after migration 2 6
Divi Compatibility Issue 2 3
Not loading 1 4
MT Conditional for WP Blocks editor active 2 7
Conditionals in folder settings don’t match actual conditionals 2 2
Syntax check for “body :is( p, li)” 2 6
Warning: Undefined array key “initial_scale” 2 2
How to keep colour in HEX code for Colors in microthemer 2 3
What is the best way to change the CSS for shadow DOM components? 2 4
quick pointer to load GSAP script and use it in code editor? 2 8
Responsiveness 2 2
How to have MT styles applied while in Customizer 2 2
Design/CSS suggestions for new design 2 2
Javascript error in latest version of Microthemer 2 2
[solved] An active PHP session was detected, Error in REST API 2 4