Themeover Support Forum

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Topic Voices Posts
Elementor Integration Setting 2 4
Cannot figure how to switch Styles panel from left panel to top and back – 2 2
Changing preferences — draft until published? 2 4
CSS valiator error for code not([src$=_.svg_]) 2 2
How to discard all draft changes and restore last published 2 2
Columns not responsive in MT 2 2
Microthemer doesnt Change CSS 2 2
Meta Box 2 2
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'index') 2 3
Editor's font size and theme? 2 6
Shortcut to select multiple same name 2 3
choose font awesome in microthemer… 2 3
Uncaught Error, no targeting 2 6
I was not receiving website notifications from June 27th to July 20th 1 1
Moving selectors between folders (sections) 2 2
Can't find folder? 2 3
How To Target & Style Bricks Builder Form Success/Error Message? 2 7
Scoping styles to apply to only one page? 2 4
Selecting Elements with Microthemer is way off 2 3
top viewport cut off; settings panel disappears on dock; reveal class on hover? 2 7
Hide a link that only appears when not logged in 2 2
frontend.min.css, what is it for? 2 3
Styles only applying when Microthemer is open 2 6
Deployment to other systems 2 3
Shortcuts 2 3