Themeover Support Forum

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Topic Voices Posts
Styles Are Disappearing [RESOLVED in Microthemer version 2.5] 3 6
i have an issue with selectors [automatically selects global elements] 2 6
Warning: ob_start(): output handler 'ob_gzhandler' conflicts [RESOLVED] 2 3
When a designer's client terminates [how to deactivate Microthemer?] 2 5
White Beauty validation formatting error 2 7
Developer license still presenting as trial [RESOLVED] 2 2
Starting Over Microthemer with Responsive Twenty Ten? 2 7
How do I get my money back? [forgot to use coupon – RESOLVED] 2 2
Warning messages after updating to 2.5 [RESOLVED in Microthemer 2.5.1] 4 10
Resolving JSON and Import errors with manually created microtheme. 2 2
Genesis 2.0 [is there a theme pack available?] 3 6
Loading a local font face 2 2
Editing body texts links only, how to do 2 6
Edit / Hide Selector Logic Odd 2 6
Drop Down Menus & Gaagle Fonts. 2 3
Qualify For Automatic Updates | Your Email Address [how to change email?] 5 8
Change My Email [RESOLVED] 2 3
WooCommerce 2.0 [is there a theme pack available?] 3 12
Text questions in the CF7 overlap [how to word wrap?] 2 4
Warning: ob_start() [ref.outcontrol]: output handler 'ob_gzhandler' [RESOLVED] 2 2
404 errors [after activating Microthemer – RESOLVED] 2 3
Problems when moving to the live server [save errors – RESOLVED] 2 5
Theme Resets after colour change [RESOLVED in Microthemer version 2.4.7] 2 5
IE 7 and Older Browsers [possible to style separately? – RESOLVED] 2 11
Moving Selectors [possible to move to different section? RESOLVED] 3 6