Blank Genesis – WordPress Micro Theme

Blank Genesis is a Theme Pack
for genesis – which must be purchased separately!

Author: Themeover
Requires: Microthemer

Theme Description

Blank Genesis is a Theme Pack for the extremely popular Genesis Framework. Genesis is a highly flexible, SEO-optimized WordPress theme. It is built on a solid coding framework and has an abundance of theme options.

Theme Tags

genesis micro theme, customise genesis, wordpress theme, wordpress themes 3.0, micro themes, microthemer, one-column, two-columns, three-columns, left-sidebar, right-sidebar, fixed-width, custom-background, custom-header, custom-menu, full-width-template, theme-options

Tested in Modern Browsers

Blank Genesis has been tested in the following browsers:

Firefox, Chrome, Safari, Internet Explorer 7 to 9

Theme Files

  1. config.json
  2. debug-save.txt
  3. license.txt
  4. meta.txt
  5. readme.txt
  6. screenshot.png

Instructions in readme.txt



This is version 1.0. There have been no changes.
