Themeover Support Forum

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Topic Voices Posts
Trying to add a new page to folder conditions/CSS not being applied to new page 2 2
Microthemer AI Assistant – Feedback 2 8
How to increase font size of full code editor 3 7
Styling admin – working in MT, but not outside 2 5
Any plans to support Gutenberg? 1 23
Customizer issue after updating to wp 6.7 2 3
Microthemer Reset: Remove All Edits, Selectors, and Restore Default Interface 2 2
Where all CSS applied 2 4
Changes do not apply to live site after publish? 2 3
Scroll Speed 2 6
How to Target a Button? 2 4
Header changes arent taking effect on other pages 3 5
Can I Deactivate MT on Prod? 2 3
Microthemer + Multitenancy 2 2
Backgrounds in blocks 3 4
Can you set border as a percentage 2 8
Styles change after editing site 2 3
Import and edit current css? 2 12
Empty selector and two tabs in generated code 2 5
Gutenberg Plugin, FSE and Ollie theme 2 7
Easy access to JavaScript (decoupled from CSS mode) 2 4
Malware 2 3
Background video horizontal scaling issue 2 6
Bricks Website error message 2 2
Microthemer error after activation (Uncaught TypeError) 2 2