I have the folder “HEADER” (containing several styles) highlighted in green but I am targeting elements that pertain in, say the “CONTENT” folder and I can’t figure out how to direct my newly created styles to said folder, they all end in the in the header one… Anybody knows how to do it?
Have been using Microthemer sporadically for a few years and the latest interface seems a bit convoluted to me…
Sorry to hear you’ve had some issues with the latest version.
When you’re creating new selectors, there is a menu at the top left of the interface for adjusting which folder the selector should go in. By default, the current folder is selected. So additional selectors will continue to be added to the Header folder until you change it.
You can also move selectors between folders by dragging the target icon at the start of the selector name in the folders menu (top left).
If you’re re-familiarising yourself with Microthemer, the following videos might be helpful: