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Forum Topics Created

Topic Voices Posts
Microthemer AI Assistant – Feedback 1 1
Hi, 1 1
We’re trialling automatic error reporting 1 2
Compatibility issue with Cloudways hosting fixed in version 1 1
I was not receiving website notifications from June 27th to July 20th 1 1
Apply Grid to Bricks Builder using Microthemer to both the editor and frontend 2 6
Announcement – an error in the "Inactive" copy/paste PHP code has been fixed 1 1
"Split" JavaScript error when creating a selector and lots of empty folders 1 1
mobile responsive on landscape 1 7
Global Classes in Oxygen 1 3
Posting Guidelines 8 18
WP 5.3 misaligned Microthemer's text inputs 1 1
New ultra-fast SASS – beta testers needed! 2 3
Microthemer 5.7 – feedback wanted! 4 11
Microthemer 5 feedback 1 2 9 35
Important notice: upgrading to version 5.5 1 1
New 'recent', 'suggested', and 'sampled' styles feature – feedback wanted! 6 19
New Animation Features 3 11
Microthemer 5 Beta is tentatively ready for testing. 1 2 10 50
Feedback: HTML, CSS & Responsive Design Tutorial 4 6
Feedback: SCSS, minify, draft mode – what do you think? 3 4
Microthemer Version 4 Feedback 7 13
3.9 Beta Discussion 1 2 10 34
Microthemer – What Do You Like? What Could Be Better? 1 2 3 4 12 96
Provide feedback on the proposed interface changes here please 1 2 11 38