MT roadmap?

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Hi Sebastian,

just wondering what your plans are with MT for 2024. It’s been a while since the last plugin update. Is it still in active development?



Hey Richard,

Good to hear from you. Microthemer is very much under active development. When I don’t release any small update for a few months it usually means I’m dedicating all of my time to a big update. In this case, it’s deep integration with Gutenberg and the Full Site Editor (FSE). I’m at the testing stages now, so the beta should be available soon.

Once Gutenberg integration is in production, I will move straight onto deep integration with Bricks.

After that, I will add support for AI. This will come in the form of a CSS assistant in Microthemer. I have some other plans too, but I’ll provide more details on that a bit later in the year.




Thanks for the update Sebastian. Sounds good, especially looking forward to the deep integration with Bricks! The AI support sounds interesting as well. Good luck!


stephen Jeffers

Would you ever add html, the ability to add Gutenberg blocks and create your own theme? Why not become a page builder?


Hey Stephen,

Thanks for your question. I don’t have any plans to create a page builder akin to Elementor, Bricks, or Gutenberg because I think those tools serve their audiences well already. And the development time required would distract me from all of my other plans.

However, I have already started work on an addon for Microthemer that allows for certain content changes. I’ve taken a break from it to work on Gutenberg (nearly ready) and Bricks integration. I will return to it after that. Could I add you to the beta mailing list? Also, what are you missing from current page builders and Gutenberg that you would like Microthemer to provide?


stephen Jeffers

Hello Sebastian

Thanks for coming back to me.

It’s very difficult to use Microthemer when using Bricks or my other page builder of choice Builderius. Compare Microthemer to page builders such as Beaver builder, Divi and Elementor, your product would be a must have because your CSS controls are superior.

For Gutenberg, if you can create a div block and allow it to accept any htlm tag, then be able to control the CSS using Microthemer, you’d be in for a winner.

The other option is to align with Livecanvas but looking at their docs you’d have to hand write your htlm. They also don’t have components which is a problem.

With the release of Gutenbricks, Greenshift may struggle long term. Mainly because of their DOM. That’s where you could come in as an alternative.


Hi Richard,

Thanks for explaining your thinking. Do you think deep integration with Bricks would address the issues you found using it with Microthemer?

And on the subject of Gutenberg, would you like Microthemer to generate blocks inside the Gutenberg Editor, or anywhere on the site in the same way you can style any element on the site. I’m not totally clear what you’re envisioning with that.


stephen Jeffers

Hello Sebastian

I wouldn’t say that there’s anything wrong with Microthemer it’s just that builders like Bricks have more native CSS controls than the likes of Elementor and DIVI. For me, having a deeper integration wouldn’t solve any problem. However I do see the value for someone coming from Elementor and DIVI at first. Once peopl get use to CSS, I fear that they will opt to use just Bricks.

I would like to see Microthemer create Gutenberg blocks that can be styled by Microthemer, in deed. It could provide you with a USP.

Kind regards



Thanks for sharing your perspective Stephen, I think you might be interested in my upcoming project. I’d love to touch base with you when the beta is ready. I’ll post here when the time comes.


stephen Jeffers

I’d definitely be interested for sure.





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