
Favorite Forum Topics

Topic Voices Posts
Creating a selector for a shortcode button without activating click event 2 9

Forum Topics Created

Topic Voices Posts
Hide Microthemer from all but one admin user? 2 8
Styles only applying when Microthemer is open 2 6
Diagonal Background for first and last child on Calendar 2 4
Table Borders – style changes not sticking 3 4
Mulitple transitions with Microthemer? 2 2
Submenu items text colour change not 'sticking' 2 2
Style not sticking with MT plugin deactivated 2 6
Place images on either side of a heading. 2 4
error when uninstalling Microthemer 2 2
Selector / Folder management – moving from one folder to another 2 3
Creating a selector for a shortcode button without activating click event 2 9