Newspaper style blog theme with site title displayed as a prominent headline. This is a Micro Theme for Thematic, which is free to download. This theme is suitable for a 2-column layout with the sidebar on the right. This WordPress theme has a place-holder logo at the top left of the page. To replace, simply upload your logo via the “Manage Themes” Microthemer page and then adjust the horizontal position of the blog description accordingly.
Headline has been tested in the following browsers:
Theme Files
Instructions in readme.txt
Replacing The Default Logo With Your Own
Changing The Font Size of The Main Headline
1. Replacing The Default Logo With Your Own
Log into WordPress
Expand the Microthemer menu and then click on the “Manage Themes” link.
Under “Manage Micro Themes” at the top of the page, make sure that the theme you wan to edit is selected in the dropdown menu. If it isn’t, select it and then click the blue “Go” button.
Click the “Browse” button at the top right of the “Theme Files” table > Navigate to where you have stored your logo on your computer. Double-click the logo image file to select it.
You might decide it’s easier to resize your logo to fit with the current layout of the theme or change the theme’s layout to fit with the size of your logo (or somewhere in between). If you want to resize your logo, check the “Resize Image” checkbox and then specify a max width and/or max height.
Click the “Upload File” Button.
Click on the “Microthemer” link under the “Plugin Menu” on the right (it’s good to get in the habit of using that menu as it always stays visible on Microthemer pages).
Under “Header” click “Edit Selectors” to reveal the selectors
Under “Branding” click “Edit Styles” to reveal the styling options
On the “Background” settings, change the value of “Image” from “logo-example-138×50.png” to the logo you just uploaded.
Click the blue “View Site” button on the right to see the effect of changing the logo.
On the “Padding” settings, you might need to increase the “Top Padding” value if the bottom of your logo is being chopped off.
Adjust the top padding until it looks right.
Another thing you might need to adjust is the position of the site description. If so, do the following:
Scroll down to the “Site Description” selector
Under “Site Description” click “Edit Styles” to reveal the styling options
On the “Position” settings, increase the value of “Left” to move the text to the right. Increase the value of “Top” to move the text down. Decreasing these values would have the opposite effect. Yes this might seem counter intuitive! Look at the directional icons if it makes it easier to remember.
Click the blue “View Site” button on the right to see the effect of changing the description position.
Adjust the position settings until it looks right.
2. Changing The Font Size of The Main Headline
Log into WordPress
Click on the “Microthemer” link
Under “Header” click “Edit Selectors” to reveal the selectors
Under “Site Title” click “Edit Styles” to reveal the styling options
On the “Font” settings, increase or decrease the value of “Font Size” (so that the site title fills the width of the page without spilling onto 2 lines). Click the blue “View Site” button on the right to see the effect of changing the font size.
Adjust the font size until it looks right.
– Menu Hover selector in main menu section wasn’t able to override the parent theme.
– Added #searchform (Search Form) selector.
Headline – WordPress Micro Theme
Headline is a Micro Theme for Thematic – which must be purchased separately!
Author: Themeover
Requires: Microthemer or Microloader
Theme Description
Newspaper style blog theme with site title displayed as a prominent headline. This is a Micro Theme for Thematic, which is free to download. This theme is suitable for a 2-column layout with the sidebar on the right. This WordPress theme has a place-holder logo at the top left of the page. To replace, simply upload your logo via the “Manage Themes” Microthemer page and then adjust the horizontal position of the blog description accordingly.
Theme Tags
micro theme, thematic, custom logo, dark, black, white, blue, cream, 2 column, 2-column, georgia, arial, simple, elegant, clean, minimal, customisable, customisable theme, wordpress theme, microthemer, headline
Tested in Modern Browsers
Headline has been tested in the following browsers:
Theme Files
Instructions in readme.txt
1. Replacing The Default Logo With Your Own
2. Changing The Font Size of The Main Headline
– Menu Hover selector in main menu section wasn’t able to override the parent theme.
– Added #searchform (Search Form) selector.