Blank Classipress is the long awaited Theme Pack that means Microthemer now supports customizing the appearance of Classipress Themes. Blank Classipress is packed with 25 sections for customizing every aspect of your Classipress theme. Checkout the readme.txt file that ships with this for tips on making the most of this blank slate settings pack.
Blank Classipress has been tested in the following browsers:
Theme Files
Instructions in readme.txt
Edit "ClassiPress Common Elements" Section First
You May Need To Disable Ad Blocker Plus
Enable "Auto-add !important" on Preferences Page
Override Inline CSS on Listings Table
1. Edit "ClassiPress Common Elements" Section First
The selectors in the "ClassiPress Common Elements" section allow you to make sweeping design changes to your ClassiPress theme. The result is similar to when you change the color scheme via the ClassiPress settings page. However, by changing the design with the selectors in the "ClassiPress Common Elements" section, you have precise control over the exact colors to use.
You will get the most dramatic effects by changing the first 4 selectors in the "ClassiPress Common Elements" section. However, upon doing this you will notice that text links in the main menu and footer menu become unreadable (because they are the same color as their background). To remedy, simply open up the "Main Menu" section and then change the color of the "Menu Link" selector to make it readable. You may also need to edit the color of the "Menu Link Hover" selector. Do the same for the footer menu.
As with all Theme Packs, it’s always most efficient to apply styles to selectors in the initial sections first (as they have more sweeping effects on the design of the theme) and then work your way down through the Microthemer UI to subsequent sections.
2. You May Need To Disable Ad Blocker Plus
During testing, we noticed that Ad Blocker Plus for Firefox prevented some pages from loading properly when trying edit the theme using Microthemer’s visual editing view. To solve this problem, please temporarily disable Ad Blocker Plus.
3. Enable "Auto-add !important" on Preferences Page
Because some styles in the ClassiPress style.css stylesheet use the !important CSS declaration, you should enable the auto-adding of !important to Microthemer style rules via the preferences page. This will ensure that Microthemer can override settings in style.css. It’s a good idea to enable this option before you start redesigning with Microthemer (if you enable it at a later date you may create more work for yourself).
4. Override Inline CSS on Listings Table
The status column in the dashboard listings table has text that is colored by an inline style. Unfortunately the Microthemer UI doesn’t have a option for overriding inline styles yet but there is another way (which works in browsers newer than Internet Explorer 6). Open up the "Edit Hand-Coded CSS" area at the very bottom of the Microthemer UI and replace this line:
/* color:#000 !important; uncomment this line and then adjust hex value (#000) */
with this line:
color:#000 !important;
and then change the #000 hex code to whatever you like.
1.2 (May 23, 2012)
Added various selectors and made minor improvements to the underlying CSS code after using Blank ClassiPress as a basis for Classi Soft. For quality control, every Theme Pack will be put through its paces in this way from now on.
1.1 (May 17, 2012)
Added several more sections that cater for styling content on the home page of a new ClassiPress install (initial testing wasn’t done on a vanilla WordPress install).
Made selectors in "Common ClassiPress Elements" section target elements across the Theme more consistently for easy customization.
Added more granular control over elements in category sub-menu
Moved price tag selectors and added "Folder Span" and "Clock Span" to "Common ClassiPress Elements" section
Blank Classipress – WordPress Micro Theme
Blank Classipress is a Theme Pack
for ClassiPress – which must be purchased separately!
Author: Themeover
Requires: Microthemer
Theme Description
Blank Classipress is the long awaited Theme Pack that means Microthemer now supports customizing the appearance of Classipress Themes. Blank Classipress is packed with 25 sections for customizing every aspect of your Classipress theme. Checkout the readme.txt file that ships with this for tips on making the most of this blank slate settings pack.
Theme Tags
blank classipress micro theme, customise classipress 3.1.7, wordpress theme, wordpress themes 3.0, micro themes, microthemer
Tested in Modern Browsers
Blank Classipress has been tested in the following browsers:
Theme Files
Instructions in readme.txt
1. Edit "ClassiPress Common Elements" Section First
The selectors in the "ClassiPress Common Elements" section allow you to make sweeping design changes to your ClassiPress theme. The result is similar to when you change the color scheme via the ClassiPress settings page. However, by changing the design with the selectors in the "ClassiPress Common Elements" section, you have precise control over the exact colors to use.
You will get the most dramatic effects by changing the first 4 selectors in the "ClassiPress Common Elements" section. However, upon doing this you will notice that text links in the main menu and footer menu become unreadable (because they are the same color as their background). To remedy, simply open up the "Main Menu" section and then change the color of the "Menu Link" selector to make it readable. You may also need to edit the color of the "Menu Link Hover" selector. Do the same for the footer menu.
As with all Theme Packs, it’s always most efficient to apply styles to selectors in the initial sections first (as they have more sweeping effects on the design of the theme) and then work your way down through the Microthemer UI to subsequent sections.
2. You May Need To Disable Ad Blocker Plus
During testing, we noticed that Ad Blocker Plus for Firefox prevented some pages from loading properly when trying edit the theme using Microthemer’s visual editing view. To solve this problem, please temporarily disable Ad Blocker Plus.
3. Enable "Auto-add !important" on Preferences Page
Because some styles in the ClassiPress style.css stylesheet use the !important CSS declaration, you should enable the auto-adding of !important to Microthemer style rules via the preferences page. This will ensure that Microthemer can override settings in style.css. It’s a good idea to enable this option before you start redesigning with Microthemer (if you enable it at a later date you may create more work for yourself).
4. Override Inline CSS on Listings Table
The status column in the dashboard listings table has text that is colored by an inline style. Unfortunately the Microthemer UI doesn’t have a option for overriding inline styles yet but there is another way (which works in browsers newer than Internet Explorer 6). Open up the "Edit Hand-Coded CSS" area at the very bottom of the Microthemer UI and replace this line:
/* color:#000 !important; uncomment this line and then adjust hex value (#000) */
with this line:
color:#000 !important;
and then change the #000 hex code to whatever you like.
1.2 (May 23, 2012)
1.1 (May 17, 2012)