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Dock to right, targeting tutorial, and Beaver Builder integration
Dock to right for that familiar feeling
Some of you mentioned a preference for having the targeting options display on the right, as they did in version 4. So we’ve added this as an option. Just click the ‘Dock to right’ icon at the top right of the interface in targeting mode. We’re actively responding to version 5 feedback, so please let us know if there’s anything else we can do.
New targeting video tutorial
The new targeting features are powerful and can help you work very efficiently with Microthemer – if you know how to use them. So we’ve created a video tutorial demonstrating each aspect of the new targeting features. And how they can be used to overcome common targeting hurdles. You can access the new video via the Help menu in the Microthemer interface.
Beaver Builder integration
The new targeting video is actually a subsection of a longer tutorial demonstrating how to use Microthemer and Beaver Builder together. We know that many of you have been using the two plugins in tandem for some time. And so in recent weeks, we added some Beaver Builder specific integration features to optimise your workflow.
Beaver Builder-specific updates include:
Watch the Beaver Builder and Microthemer video