Color Change Disappearing after php upgrade and deactivating Microthemer

Author Posts


I used Microthemer to change the Site Description selector in the header of my page, from gray to orange.
Been working fine for months.

I have gone to deactivating Microthemer except for when I need it, and using the code insertion to keep MT code active, when the plugin is deactivated.

Tonite I updated to PHP7 from PHP5.3

Upon doing so, the orange color to my site description has disappeared and the letters are gray.
If I re-enable Microthemer, the colors go right back to orange.
Deactivate.. back to gray.

Not sure why it’s not holding the color. is the site.
Thank you in advance for your help!!



It sounds like one of two issues. It could be that the manual enqueuing PHP code isn’t compatible with PHP 7. But nothing jumps out at me immediately when I look at the code. So can I just check you are using the latest code in your theme’s functions.php file? You can get in via Microthemer from the Preferences > Inactive tab. It should be:

/* Begin Microthemer Code */
if (!defined('MT_IS_ACTIVE')) {
	function add_microthemer_css() {
		$p = get_option('preferences_themer_loader');
		if (!empty($p['g_fonts_used'])){
			$p['g_url'] = !empty($p['gfont_subset']) ? $p['g_url'] . $p['gfont_subset'] : $p['g_url'];
			$h = 'microthemer_g_font'; wp_register_style($h, $p['g_url'], false); wp_enqueue_style($h);
		$r = content_url() . '/micro-themes/'; $css_min = !empty($p['minify_css']) ? 'min.' : '';
		$h = 'microthemer'; wp_register_style($h, $r.$css_min.'active-styles.css'); wp_enqueue_style($h);
		global $is_IE; if ($is_IE) {
			global $wp_styles; foreach ($p['ie_css']as $key => $cond){
				if (!empty($key)) {
					$h = 'tvr_ie_'.$key; wp_register_style($h, $r.$css_min.'ie-'.$key.'.css'); wp_enqueue_style($h);
					$wp_styles->add_data($h, 'conditional', $cond);
		if (!empty($p['load_js'])) {
			$h = 'mt_user_js'; wp_register_script($h, $r.'active-scripts.js'); wp_enqueue_script($h);
	function add_microthemer_body_classes($classes){
		global $post; if (isset($post)) {
			$classes[] = 'mt-'.$post->ID; $classes[] = 'mt-'.$post->post_type.'-'.$post->post_name;
		return $classes;
	add_action('wp_enqueue_scripts', 'add_microthemer_css');
	add_filter( 'body_class', 'add_microthemer_body_classes');
/* End Microthemer Code */


Once again thank you for setting the bar SO high for support. You’ve helped me out SO much that I really have to thank you again with all sincerity.

So you were TOTALLY correct again…
I cannot explain what happened.
But in the past 48 hours, we’ve done the MT upgrades… as you’ve released them.
We did the WP 4.8 Upgrade, as it was released.
And we went to PHP7.

I cannot explain it… but the MT code, for when it was inactive, was no longer in my functions.php file!
Somehow it got reverted? I don’t know… maybe WP4.8 did it? Maybe PHP7?
But we deactivate MT when not using it, and had no issues…
Once we did this, that whole file had no MT inactive code in it!!!

I re-added the code, and VOILA! It works!

seriously, to anyone considering MT, MT is the best utility I have as far as that it’s under development constantly and bug fixed… the support is fast and the support is ACCURATE.

TOTALLY appreciative. THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!


You’re most welcome. We’re always happy to help. And it’s great to see you’re enjoying our product and service!

All the best,

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