Divi Compatibility Issue

Author Posts


After updating to Microthemer the DIVI Builder doesn’t load any longer on my website. After going back to the builder works again.


Hey, sorry for the trouble. There was an issue with Divi compatibility when MT version 7.2 was first released. I thought I fixed it, but maybe I missed something or it’s a separate issue. I can’t replicate this using MT and Divi 4.21.0. Would you mind providing temporary access to the site, or a clone of the site, by sending access details via our secure contact form? That would help me troubleshoot the issue. BTW you can use this handy plugin for providing access without sharing a password directly.



P.S. if providing access is tricky, it would be useful to know which version of Divi you’re using, so I can obtain it from Elegant themes.

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