Easy access to JavaScript (decoupled from CSS mode)

Author Posts


Currently, I can only edit JavaScript when I switch to the Full Code Editor. It would be nice to decouple JS and CSS in that regard. I would like to be able to insert Page JS or Global JS. Does anyone have a better solution than constantly switching modes?



Support for this is planned. The full code editor view will be retired, and you will be able to add JavaScript and raw Sass/CSS snippets to the folders, along with the current single selector GUI items. You can then use folder logic to assign assets to individual pages, or types of page.

I can’t say exactly when this feature will be ready however.

All the best,


Good to know. Thanks. I am running my first FSE experiment (using it on my personal page), and Microthemer is a must in this case as there is still much missing in Gutenberg itself.


I’m glad Microthemer is coming in handy with your first FSE project. Let me know if there’s anything I can do to improve the workflow.

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