Failed to load resource: File not found [RESOLVED]

Author Posts


Plugin v3.7.6. WordPress 4.2.2

The developer toolbar is showing a large number of fatal errors all related to a missing file. The error is a 404 (Not found) code.

Link reference shows as: /wp-content/plugins/microthemer/js/sprintf/

I am logged in as an admin *full rights* user.

When previewing a draft post (never published) I am seeing the error repeated about 15 times.

When previewing a published post, I am seeing only one of these errors.

The file referenced is missing from the JS folder, so it is indeed missing.

I do not have Microthemer open, but it is activated and installed.


Hi Kat,

Thanks for reporting this one, it’s quite puzzling. The only reference I’ve found in the code to is commented out. But I’ve prepared a version that has that file in the expected place. You can download it here:

Please could you let me know if that solves the fatal errors? I will then make it available for auto-upgrading.



Just deactivated v3.7.6, deleted plugin and installed the patch zip.

Looking good, the error has gone. Give me a few more runs at it before you clap your hands.

The error seemed to multiply the more “draft saves” I did for a post I was writing.

Will post again in few hours with final comments. I still have the post under construction which means ideal environment for error replication (if it is still present).


Think you have cracked it.

The reported error appears to have gone away now.

Good job.


Yep, fixed.

Didn’t get any more 404 errors for that file since installing v3.7.7.

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