Firebug shows 3-4 different header css for one h3

Author Posts


I’m sure I complicated my use of MT by individualizing single posts instead of developing one set of css rules for all posts.

Possibly unrelated to that, I now find that a header like h3 on some pages does not respond to MT or the “text view” of WordPress.

Looking at one specific header with newly downloaded Firebug I see several sets of code re h3:

h3 {
font-family: Arial !important;
font-weight: bold !important;

h3 {
color: rgb(51, 57, 89) !important;
font-family: Arial !important;
font-size: 16px !important;
h3 {
font-family: Arial !important;
font-size: 23px !important;
font-style: italic !important;
font-weight: 600 !important;
line-height: 25px !important;
text-decoration: underline !important;
h3 {
font-size: 22px;
margin: 22px 0;
h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6 {
clear: both;
font-family: Bitter,Georgia,serif;
line-height: 1.3;

Question #1 – Would appreciate ideas how to correct problem. MT is already set to “always apply !important'”

Question #2 – Should I forget formatting in “visual view” and “text view” if I’m using MT?

I also have WP Edit plugin, WP Super Cache.

I’m just learning some HTML/CSS and don’t have a child theme.



Hey Martyl,

Would you mind posting a link to your site? I would like to check your active-styles.css file directly, as this shows which Selector names you should edit (as CSS comments).

It looks like you’ve created 3 duplicate selectors for general h3 elements in Microthemer, which you’ve applied different styles to. I recommend deleting the two h3 selectors that have less rules, and then just apply the color value to the remaining h3 selector.

By the way, I’m about to add a feature to Microthemer that will prevent you from creating selectors that use exactly the same targeting. Instead it will direct you to the existing selector that uses the same targeting.

You can add custom classes and ids via the WordPress text view. But I would advise against styling your site via more than one method. If you’re using MT I would stick with MT for styling. It will be easier for you to manage.



Thanks, Sebastian.
A.) Is there a tutorial on how to find the active-styles.css file in WordPress?
B.) Do I need to go through every page/post to find those h3 that need to be deleted?

I look forward to the new feature that prevents duplicate selectors. I’m afraid I’ve created a bit of a mishmash.



Hey Martyl,

A) You can view the contents of active-styles.css in Microthemer. Just hover over the ‘view’ menu and choose ‘Generated CSS & JS’. But if you’re curious, the location of the file is []/wp-content/micro-themes/active-styles.css

B) I just wanted to look at it so I could advise you which selector to delete in the Microthemer interface. You don’t need to delete any h3 HTML via WordPress posts or pages. Just the extra h3 selectors you created in Microthemer.


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