How to discard all draft changes and restore last published


Author Posts


Hi, it’s not obvious to me how to do this. I often play around with a lot of settings to see how things would work, but they stay in the draft, unpublished state.

I would then like to simply ‘reset’ to the last published settings. That’s what I can’t find an obvious solution for. I know I can go through history to undo every change one by one – but that is cumbersome for a lot of changes and sometimes confusing as to what actually should be restored.

Then there is the reset everything, but from what I understand that really does reset everything in MT.

What I really want is a “discard all changes since last publish” option.


Hey Norm,

Thanks for your suggestion. You raise a good point. I will add this to my ToDo list. I may also ensure that publish actions are logged in the history table, and the most recent 10 publishes remain, as it makes sense to give these actions special status.

In the meantime, I recommend using the save option in the full history view to save a history checkpoint you can return to more easily later.


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