I would like to know how can I target “stuff” in Beaver Builder correctly? You’ve pointed me once on this where I wanted to select an image an make it position:absolute … and it always disappeared to nowhere.
Now I have a similar situation. I have a row of 12 images. I want to select all of them in MT and apply the position absolute. But every time (no matter what I choose from the options I have – next to the number 12) they’re gone.
But when I do it with one, it stays within the ROW. Is there a way how to explain, what is the trick to know what to select?
Would you be able to send me a link to the page you’re working on? It might be that you need to set position:relative on the 12 elements that contain the 12 images, but it’s hard for me to guess what’s going on here without seeing the page and inspecting the code.
+ I know that I have to set the parent as RELATIVE – which is something I did, for the whole ROW where the pics are … but again, might be a wrong “element” and I still (the whole time I’m using BB &MT) didn’t figure out how to target the right element (as BB to my liking creates some extra DIVs) 🙂 🙂 🙂
Still, thank you for the quick reply – will send the link later this evening.