Microthemer 3.0 General Support Questions

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Please post any general technical questions relating to the new 3.0 beta version of Microthemer here. Or start a new dedicated topic thread if you think that makes more sense.




I’ve started to have a look at version 3 and it’s looking great, well done.

Is it possible to use Google fonts? I have a specific one that I’m using, and would like to be able to use it on the site.



Hi there,

I’m glad you’re liking the new version!

Yes, you can still use Google fonts with version 3 (you could also do this with version 2). You simply select “Google Font…” from the font-family dropdown menu (first option in the list). This will automatically load a popup that will allow you to visually browse any google font. You many want to sort the fonts alphabetically and then click on a page number button if you have a particular font in mind. Click the “Use this font” link after selecting the variation e.g. “italic 700” (it will default to “normal” if you don’t choose a variation).

This feature will undergo some improvements in the 3.x series of Microthemer. It will definitely be easier to search for fonts, as they will be suggested as you type in a future release (rather than relying on sorting and pagination).

If you have any further questions please let me know,




Just a couple of quick question, appreciate you are very busy.

1.I’m trying to style the following search box elements here: http://coatesandco.users41.interdns.co.uk/property/ under property type, availability etc, however if I click on the dropdown list it activates the search choices – can you think of a way around this.

2. Daft one here – once I’ve made changes how can I see the page without using the wordpress button on the dropdown themeover tab area and then viewing page

Hope all is well



Hi Darron,

No problem at all.

1. “Select” elements (dropdown menus) are the only elements you can’t double-click with Microthemer. The recommended solution is to double-click something nearby and then use the directional controls in the advanced selector wizard to move focus onto the select element. Here’s the method:

Here’s the method.

  1. Double-click just above or to the right of the dropdown menu
  2. Click the advanced options link at the top right of the selector wizard
    Click the Inspector tab
  3. Experiment with the direction arrow controls until highlighting covers the dropdown menu and the code in the textarea below starts with “<select “.
  4. Note: the arrows up/down left/right won’t necessarily correspond to visual the position of things on the page. Some trial and error may be needed.
  5. You may also want to make use the of “Targeting” tab on the selector wizard to broaden your targeting to every dropdown menu on the whole site (by dragging the slider handle right to the bottom).

2. Not sure what you’re asking here, would you mind elaborating? You should be able to see the site at all times while editing via the Microthemer interface – without any obstruction if you’re using version 3.

Many thanks,




Many thanks for getting back to me – answer to question 1 perfect.

I’m using Themeover 3.0 btw

Question 2 was might fault, I’m using a frontend page builder and was wondering if there was a way to turn off Themeover on a page I need to add content to as if left to run it messes with the front end editor buttons etc

It’s fine though – I just go back to wordpress dashboard and load the page again

Hope all is well



Hi Darron,

I’m glad you got problem 2 sorted in the end. Btw which frontend builder are you using? In the not-too-distant future we’ll be doing a push to make sure Microthemer works well with all builders / the one(s) we deem to be superior.




Hi Sebastian,

The builder I’m using for several sites is by Slobodan and is featured here: http://livecomposerplugin.com/

Fantastic support and regular updates provided by him

Hope all is well



Thanks for getting back to me Darron. Live composer is on the radar 🙂


That’s grand – thanks Sebastian!



How do I go about choosing how specific a selector is? Is there a classic view?



There’s only the visual view now, but you can do everything there. You can adjust the specificity of your selector after you’ve created it, or when you create a one with the selector wizard.

1. To adjust selector specificity at the selector wizard stage (after double-clicking an element) click the “Advanced options” link at the top right of your screen. Then on the targeting tab that appear to the right of your screen you will see a list of proposed selectors. The most specific selector is always at the top. You can drag the slider to change the selector, or you can manually change the selector code in the white textarea.

2. Alternatively, once you’ve created a selector, you can modify the selector code by clicking the name of the selector in the top toolbar. This will open a “quick edit” form where you can change the name of the selector as well as it’s underlying CSS selector code.

I hope that answers your question. Please le me know if you have any more.




I think the new version 3.0 is a blessing and it works very well for me except for a few small issues.

Very often the properties don’t show the correct values. For instance when I know (and see via the toggle highlighting) that an object has a default margin-right of 20px, the valuebox will show 0.

Switching back and forth a couple of times between Selectors, via the arrow buttons, will update the values.

Another is that the highlighting doesn’t update after changing a value. I have to switch for instance from ‘Padding & Margin’ to ‘Dimensions’ and back again to update the highlighting. Just switching the Toggle Highlighting button on and off doesn’t change anything in showing the correct highlighting.

Here are my browser and system details.

– Mac OS X Yosemite 10.10.1
– Safari 8.0.2
– WordPress 4.1
– Microthemer 3.0.16

They are minor issues but it would be great if you could fix these. Would improve the workflow and speed.

Thanks for a fantastic update to Microthemer. Version 3.0 is amazing!




Hey Rob,

I can’t emphasize enough how much we appreciate this kind of feedback. If you notice any more niggles no matter how slight please let us know. If we address every single niggle, Microthemer will be much more fun for everyone to use.

I’ve added your issues to a list of usability problems we recently upturned from our in-house testing. You can expect a new Microthemer update within the next 2-3 days.

Thanks again!



Hi Sebastian,

You’re welcome! If you need any more details just let me know.

I’m using MT 3.0 intensively at this moment for making a website fully responsive. If there’s anything else I find I’ll let you know.

Thanks for listening and improving the software.

Kind Regards,



Hi Sebastian,

Literally a minute after I send you the e-mail I had another small issue.

When setting the left and right margin of a div tag to “auto”, ALL margin values received the auto value. I then needed to manually delete the other values. I actually forgot about this one but it happened before when I set a margin to a pixel value and again all fields received the same value. Same details regarding system settings and browser apply.

Good luck!


P.S. Looking forward to the update by the way


Hi Rob,

Thanks for reporting the additional issue. It’s possible you may have accidentally stumbled across an old “feature” left over from version 2. If you double-click padding, margin or border property input fields it will set all fields to the same value (e.g. all padding to 1em, or all border-style to dotted).

We’re going to replace this feature with a more intuitive chain icon that can be toggled on/off to sync all the related fields.

This feature wasn’t given top priority because we’re trying to get the new docs out as soon as possible. We were aware that people wouldn’t necessarily discover the double-click to sync feature without watching the videos, but we hadn’t considered that people might accidentally trigger this functionality when it is undesirable. Would you like me to bump up the priority of the new chain icon system, or would you prefer for this adjustment to follow the release of new docs?




Hi Sebastian,

Now that I know what it is and how to avoid it, it shouldn’t be a problem any more and you should stick to your priority plan. This can wait in my opinion. Great that you are giving us the choice though.

Thanks for the clarification.




OK Rob, I’ll go ahead as planned.



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