Microthemer doesnt Change CSS

Author Posts


I just Starter to use microthemer and i have an issue that i alresdy look in the fórum and i tried to solve but i couldnt do ir.

When im editing with the plugin the things are working properly but when i load the website the chances are not working.

I vê already disable the w3 total cache plugin and i vê already disable the cache from my host.

Can anyone Help please ?



I’ve created a checklist of reasons why the styles might not be showing outside of MT in the troubleshooting video. Number one is that you need to click the “Publish” button for changes to be visible to non-admins. See the green button at the top right of Microthemer.

You will also need to clear your cache after publishing.

Could that be the issue or any other shown in the video? Either way, I’m happy to provide further assistance with this.


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