Microthemer Javascript error in microthemer.js [cannot target in IE11]

Author Posts



I recently purchased your product and just downloaded, installed and activated the latest version ( I was looking forward to starting to use it, but received this error when trying to for the first time. I’ve only tried this in IE11 so far, but I get the error on every page. Here is the information from the console:
SCRIPT438: Object doesn’t support property or method ‘isInteger’
File: microthemer.js, Line: 2, Column: 19991

And the offending line from the Debugger:
&e[r];if(s)if(a)e[1]=s;else for(var n in e)n>0&&Number.isInteger(parseInt(n))&&(e[n]=s);return t.endT(arguments),e},reg:

Unless I’m doing something wrong, I can’t use the product currently as I can’t target anything (i.e. I can enable ‘Targeting mode’ but nothing happens when I hover or double-click on any element. Hopefully this is an easy fix. I have screenshots but it doesn’t look like I can upload them here. Please let me know if you need any additional information.



Hey Aaron,

Sorry to hear you ran into problems right at the start. This error is specific to IE. I’ve just released version which should fix the problem for you. If not, please let me know. I won’t be able to release another update until Monday. But perhaps you could try using Microthemer with Chrome until that happens? If it needs to happen.



Hey Sebastian,

I logged back in tonight surprised to find you had already released a fix . . . amazing turnaround! Earlier this afternoon I had already tried Chrome. When I did, I got a Wordfence error (Background Request Blocked for the URL:
load-scripts.php?c=1&load[]=jquery-core,jquery-migrate,utils,plupload&ver=4.7.5:4 POST http://mysite/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php?action=m…themer.php&_wpnonce=1bdc0671f0&update_sug_values=all&nocache=1496356775121 403 (Forbidden)

Ok, but something potentially in my control. So I deactivated Wordfence and tried again. Then I received a different error:
Uncaught TypeError: r.tooltip is not a function (line 1)
Microthemer discovered a JavaScript error on your site:
1. Error: Uncaught TypeError: r.tooltip is not a function
URL: /wp-content/plugins/microthemer/js-min/microthemer.js?v= (line 1)
Source: Microthemer interface

I had to do something else anyway so put it aside. Then I tried again tonight–no other changes, just refreshed the window in Chrome–and no errors!?! Very strange. So, to see if it was indeed Wordfence I reactivated it and tried using Microthemer again–and no errors!?! Even stranger. No errors in IE either.

So, it doesn’t seem to be reproducible at this point but I’m going to update to your new release. Maybe the above will be helpful to you anyway. Time to get to work and learn Microthemer and CSS!

Thanks again!


Hey Aaron,

The version actually fixed the issue flagged by Wordfence too, which may explain why everything suddenly worked. The ajax request was returning some HTML debug output instead of the expected JSON object, which Wordfence flagged because that can sometimes mean foul play. In this case, it was just a programming error on my part.

The IE error was only caused by certain actions. And so was the Wordfence issue. So it’s possible that the errors could appear to go away even before you upgraded to But now that you have, you should find that they’ve permanently disappeared.

Good luck with your learning! I’m here if you have further questions.

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