Microthemer not loading after migration

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Hey man!

We have migrated several sites from dev URL’s to their main domain. I’ve noticed that

1) the relative url’s did not update. We were using /this-stuff so we wouldn’t have to worry about changing, but it’s loading dev.site.com/this-stuff still instead?

2) the microthemer on the new site will not load in. Just stays spinning it seems?

I’ve sent a user email to admin@themeover.com so you could login. I feel like I made a ticket for this previously, but can’t find it anywhere?


Hey Andrew,

Sorry to hear about this issue. I got your access invitation, but I can’t see Microthemer in the dashboard – you may need to set my user role to “Administrator”.

I will need access to fix the spinning issue most likely. But to force MT to refresh URLs in the CSS, you can use the option in preferences to Regenerate all CSS – under Tools.



It just occurred to me that the spinning issue might be related.

If the dev URLs point to an http site, but your live sites runs on https, the browser can refuse to load the site due to mixed content warnings.


Hey Andrew, thanks for setting my user account to Administrator. However, I still can’t see Microthemer, or the manage plugins page. If it’s a multisite install, has MT been activated on it?



Yo. Can you try now. I think it had to do with the white label dashboard thing they use.


Hey Andrew, thanks for fixing the white label issue.

I’ve fixed the MT loading issue in version That was caused by having the GZIP preference enabled on a site that uses a PHP session in the admin area. MT prevents GZIP from running if it detects a session now. As a side now, PHP sessions are best avoided in WordPress due to compatibility issues they cause with the REST API, among other things. I discovered that myself recently when I tried to use them in a feature.

As for the URLs, I did a search in the folders pane for “url” and found a mix of relative URLs and absolute URLs pointing to the live site. Did you manage to fix that using the option in preferences or by manually doing it yourself?


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