Over riding icontact styles

Author Posts



I am having trouble overriding the styles in the subscription form for icontact.

when you click on the menu at the top https://www.givemeastoria.com/ a side menu pops out…

I want to change the background of the subscription form to #000000
and the button in the form to #FBC243

Everytime I make the change it shows up in microthemer, but when I save and exit the styles revert back t what they were before…



Would you mind providing access to the site via our secure contact form so I can see what’s going on in Microthemer?

Looking at your MT stylesheet, I see a selector that references an id that is not present on the page (fl-post-63149).

#fl-post-63149 [type="submit"] {
	color: #000000 !important;
	background-color: #FBC243 !important;

I see an element with a different number in the id: fl-post-38

But I can’t see why MT would be using the wrong id in the selector just by viewing the frontend (if that is indeed what’s happening).


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