Portfolio image for Divi Theme (Elegant Themes)

Author Posts



1) When I view these images on mobile – they are quite big. But, however I try to change the dimensions of the image – nothing changes. Is this due to the behaviour of Divi’s portfolio images?

2) When I create a selector – is it important that I choose the correct selection in the “where” column? Just interested as to how this impacts the overall generated CSS.

3) What I should target. This also seems confusing to me – a number of targets seem to apply equally. This must be my lack of in depth knowledge on CSS.

Any information would help me in the long run.



Hi there,

  1. I was able to log into your Microthemer dashboard and create a selector in the pages folder called ‘Portfolio Images’ and change the size of the images. Have a look and please tell me if you are able to do this (I have left the setting a 400 which is what it was by default).
  2. The folders are just for your own organisation. There’s no correct answer. But it is worth mentioning that the selectors and styles are written to the stylesheet in the order that they appear in the folders.
  3. You are right that selectors often target the same thing (i.e the highlighting remains unchanged). This is because Microthemer creates numerous permutations of selectors based on the classes and ids it finds in the HTML. Sometimes a single HTML element (e.g. an image) will have 5 or more classes. And so Microthemer will create selectors for all five. This is because Microthemer can’t know which class will be most useful to the user. Granted the list gets pretty long sometimes, but if you enable edge mode you may find that the new selector targeting system is a bit quicker.

Does that help?




I am still having issues with seeing the display of images change within Microthemer – but I think I know what the culprit is.

I am on a laptop PC running Firefox 37.0.2 – here the image does not change
On the laptop, if I run Explorer 11 – works fine.

Mac, running Firefox 37.0.2 works fine.

Can you check for version 37.0.2 on a laptop pc?

I am going to see whether a prior version of FF fixes this …


Hi there,

I was actually using Firefox 37.0.2 on a PC when I checked your site before and the images were shrinking OK. I think something else must be at play here. Please let me know if the problem persists at your end.




This does not work for me on FF on PC – no matter what I do. This is obviously an issue between my laptop and FF – and I don’t want you to waste your valuable time on this.

I can get this to work on Explorer on my laptop – so all is good.


OK, as long as you can continue working. Thanks for the update.


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