Selectors fail as changes are lost when navigating website in editing window

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How can I get my selectors to work on my main site?

I need to deactivate a sidebar containing widgets on 3 specific pages. When the Selector is built, as soon as its Behaviour is set to ‘None’ the sidebar on the required page disappears from the Microthemer design window. But on navigating to another page (still in Microthemer) and returning to the original page, the Sidebar reappears. The sidebar also shows on the main site.

I have tried flushing the server cache: same behaviour. I have tried selecting the highest possible member of the tree containing the Sidebar (called #secondary) as the target: same behaviour. I have tried setting Behaviour to None for both the highest possible member and doing the same for some of its children: same behaviour.

Note: I am not using a caching Plug-in; there is a plugin called Backup that may, just possibly, affect caching but it is disabled. My server is provided by GoDaddy which caches pages. However, GoDaddy provide a ‘Flush Cache’ button which I have used repeatedly.



Would you mind sending me login details for your site via our secure contact form?

From what you describe I can only think of two reasons:

1. Heavy caching
2. Your theme / page builder outputs dynamic HTML that changes on each page load, thus invalidating the selectors you create in Microthemer. But this is less likely if you have tried targeting a number of different elements.

Hopefully I can figure out what’s going on after taking a look.



Sebastian, Thanks for coming back on this. I have continued to work on the problem. In doing that, I tried saving the permalinks again (without changing them). This fixed another issue that I was testing on the IssueM plugin that I am testing but the problem I describe above remains. I will give you access to our Staging site to check this out using your private form.



Thanks for providing me with access. I managed to isolate the problem.

When logged in, Microthemer appended URLs with nocache=[timestamp]. But the timestamp (e.g. 1510141832) was being overwritten by a caching service, perhaps GoDaddy server level caching. Or a plugin. Though looking at your list of plugins I’m not sure which one it would be.

Anyway Microthemer’s nocache=1510141832 became nocache=1 (all JS/CSS resources on your site have nocache=1 appended to the URL). This resulted in style changes not persisting while working in the Microthemer interface and switching between pages. To solve this, Microthemer now appends URLs using: nomtcache=[timestamp]. This ensures the most up to date stylesheet loads. I’ve installed this new version of MT on your site. And will release a general update for everyone else later today.

In your email you asked about making the content fill the space previously taken up by the sidebar. You can do this in Microthemer by targeting the #content element and setting the width to 100%. I’ve done this for the ‘Current Edition’ page as an example.

However, I noticed that your theme provides some options for managing the sidebar on each page. See below the text editor on the WP edit Page for e.g. ‘Current Edition’. You can set the page layout to full width. This might be preferable to overriding the page layout with CSS via Microthemer.

I hope that helps. Please let me know if you need assistance with anything else!



Sebastian, that is great service.

I’m glad to find that the problem was not with me and my usage of Microthemer and that Microthemer is one step better as a result of your work on this today for all users.

Thanks, too for the advice regarding our theme. I’d never noticed the option you pointed out but I have now used it as you suggested. The site now looks as I intended and behaves as I intended. I can work on the Magazine interface changes that I was researching for our next upgrade.



That’s great news. I’m always happy to help. I’m glad things are looking the way you want now. Good luck with the magazine interface changes 🙂


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