Submit button not supposed to show….

Author Posts


Hello Sebastian,

The enquiry form in this page is supposed to show conditionally the SUBMIT button only when someone select an option like One Way or Return.

See page:

The Gravity Forms preview does not show the SUBMIT button while the front end which I styled with MT does show. So I am confident on telling you that I did something wrong with MT on styling the form. Now if I select display: none the button completely disappear which I don’t want. I only want the button to appear on selection one of the option. If I delete the value “block” from “display” the button show as desired but is not centred… getting mad…

Many thanks


Hey Roberto,

I recommend clearing the field where you set display: block (rather than setting display:none, as this will override gravity forms when it tries to show the button).

Regarding centring the button, perhaps you could target the container element for the button (.gform_footer) then set text-align: center?

Inline elements will be centred if the parent element has text-align:center. Block elements do not, but can be centred by setting left and right margins on the block element to auto.



Thanks for the suggestion Sebastian…. fixed 🙂

Can’t live without MT… 🙂

Best wishes



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