Tagline Disappeared [Electra theme homepage – RESOLVED]

Author Posts


I had used the microthemer plug in at http://www.theobsidianpoet.com to change the fonts on the links of the site and the fonts on the page titles. However, the front page, which is static, now is missing the tag line that it was using as a “title”. It is supposed to be in the white bar. The rest of the page titles are in the bar. I’ve tried resetting all the way back to the beginning, but nothing restores the title. It looks like maybe it got deleted somehow? If it is non-destructive, then it should not have edited my CSS for my theme. I have tried the “reset all folders”, but even that didn’t restore anything. Everything shows that the tagline should be showing. I’m at a loss here. Thanks!


Hi, obsidianpoetpress,

When you change the front page to another static page, does the new static page miss the title also? And does the current one begin to work correctly?

I can see the tags there – it’s just the content within the tags that’s missing.


Hi Abland,

When I change the front page to another static page the new static page also misses the title and yes the current one suddenly has a title.

Is there something I can edit to get the title to come back up? I thought it was the theme, it does weird things sometimes, but maybe not this time?


As close as I can tell it’s how your theme handles the breadcrumbs on the home page. I’m not too familiar with the Electra theme but in the theme options check and see if there’s any setting specific to the home page – it seems breadcrumbs and titles are associated.


Hi there,

I agree with Abland that this problem probably needs to be addressed by setting the site title somewhere in your theme. Microthemer never modifies theme files. It works by creating a single stylesheet with styles that override other styles by being more ‘specific’ (technical term, see CSS specificity).

I can see that on most pages your theme outputs some HTML code like this:

<div id="page-title">... Poetry ...</div>

This HTML code is completely missing on your home page. The theme isn’t outputting anything. And as Abland says, this probably needs to be set via some global option in your theme. If you can’t find it and would like me to have a look please feel free to send login details for your site via this secure contact form: https://themeover.com/support/contact/



Infigured the HTML disappeared, but I was not 100% sure where to look for that. I used to build websites a loong time ago so I am OK with editing a file to add some code. However, I switched to the Nimva theme for now. I liked the Electra theme but it does weird stuff time to time. I plan on using my plug in to tweak a different site later on 🙂
Like one of those free ones from WP. I think it would work great on sprucing up one of those.

Thanks for all the help.


You’re welcome, please let me know if you need assistance with anything else.


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