Microthemer Version 3 Is Here

Introducing Microthemer Version 3

We have some great news to share with you. After months of work we are pleased to introduce the brand new Microthemer 3.

New interface


The Microthemer interface has been totally redesigned. The new look comes with new colors, icons for every styling option, and a top toolbar that barely obstructs the page so it’s much easier to see the style changes as you apply them. The styling options are grouped into eleven categories. Version 3 has been designed to be backwards compatible – your old settings will still work. Upgrading should be a smooth process and we think you’ll find the workspace to be much more intuitive and user friendly.

New CSS styling options

Appearance isn’t the only thing we’ve changed. New features have been added to turn Microthemer into an even more powerful tool. Ten new CSS styling options allow you to customize properties such as background clip, size, overflow X and Y, box-sizing, word-wrap, white-space, direction, list-style-image and list style position. Transforms, transitions and animations will be added as a 3.x update soon.

New code editor


The (ACE) code editor now has syntax highlighting like a regular desktop code editor. Design packs, preferences and media query editing options are accessible from the Microthemer workspace, so no need to switch back and forth between the visual interface and other pages.

New selector wizard

The selector wizard has a more intuitive targeting slider and can be used to inspect the computed CSS of anything you double-click, much like browser inspector tools.

New selectors and folders

Selectors are organised into different folders (formerly referred to as sections).  The backward and forward arrows enable you to quickly move between adjacent selectors. Microthemer comes with 11 pre-set empty folders in which you can save your selectors. From the main menu you can add a new folder. Or if you hover over an existing folder you can rename, duplicate, delete, or manually add a selector to it. To reorder the folders, simply hover your mouse over the folder’s icon and drag it to a new position.

And a few last features

Background images are now managed with the WordPress media manager so it should be easy to locate your icons, photos and graphics. Importing and exporting your setting has been improved and it makes reusing your styles a lot easier.

Feedback welcome!

We’d love to hear from you. Please tell us what you think, what you like, what you don’t, what’s frustrating. Or what features would you like added next? We have a dedicated forum thread for all of your feedback.

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