Upload And Insert A Background Image

To apply a background image follow these steps

  1. Log in to your WordPress site and go to the Microthemer interface.
  2. Double-click an element you want to add a background image to.
  3. Create a selector for targeting the element by giving it a descriptive name and save it in a folder.
  4. Click on the background icon from the top menu bar.
  5. Click on the background-image  upload button to bring up the WordPress media library window.
  6. Select an existing image from your media library or upload a new one.
  7. Click the Insert into post button
  8. You may want to use other background image options such as: position, repeat, size, attachment, and clip.



Note, to change the background image use the image browse button. Editing the image name in the field directly has been prevented. To delete a background image you have applied select the first empty option from the dropdown menu.
