Background Position

The background-position property sets the starting position of a background image.

You can enter two values separated by a space. The first value will determine the horizontal (x-axis) position of the background image. The second value wil determine the vertical (y-axis) position of the background image. Microthemer will default to 'px' if no unit is specified, you can also use '%' or 'em' though.

Value Description
left topThe left and top edges of the background image are flush against the left and top edges of the element. This is default
left centerThe left edge of the background image is flush against the left edge of the element and is vertically centered
left bottomThe left and bottom edges of the background image are flush against the left and bottom edges of the element
right topThe right and top edges of the background image are flush against the right and top edges of the element
right centerThe right edge of the background image is flush against the right edge of the element and is vertically centered
right bottomThe right and bottom edges of the background image are flush against the right and bottom edges of the element
center topThe top edge of the background image is flush against the top edge of the element and is horizontally centered
center centerThe center of the background image is aligned with the center of the element
center bottomThe bottom edge of the background image is flush against the bottom edge of the element and is horizontally centered

Themeover CSS Reference
