All is 'undefined' [free version cannot select elements – error message]

Author Posts


Hi there,

I’m using Microthemer for the first time. I bought it last year but for now I’m using a free trial to see how it works. When I doubleclick on several items on the page, all I see is “undefined” whereas fontsizes, colors or dimensions should appear. Does this means that this theme (Crocoblocks, “Web Hosting”) doesn’t work with Microthemer?
Or can I not make any adjustments in the free trial?

Please your advice.

Kind regards,

Andries Kuipers



It could also be a plugin conflict. There’s normally a solution. Would you mind sending me login details for your site via this secure contact form?

Also, the free trial does let you make style edits. And you don’t need to buy Microthemer again for each site. The standard license permits the use on 3 domains. The developer permits use on unlimited domains.


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