Bottom Border On Active Menu Item

Author Posts


Hi guys,

love the plugin. Very helpful to make customize any theme the way I want. However I have a little problem.

I want a 4px white bottom border on the menu item when it’s active, however that doesn’t work. It works great on hover but I also want the border when the item is active.

My Menu
Thats my menu.

This is how I want it.

This is how I want it.
Hope you can help.

Best regards


Hey Eugen,

WordPress normally inserts some sort of current-menu-item class to its menu item elements (li). And so you should be able to achieve the desired effect by modifying your :hover selector to incorporate this state. But in order to advise you explicitly how to do this, I would need a link to your site. Would this be possible?

Many thanks,


Hi Sebastian,

yeah where can I give you the login details?


I probably won’t need login details for this one, but you can send the link (and optionally login details) via our secure contact form:


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