[BUG] -o-… and -moz-… not added to CSS

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Hi Sebastian,

I have added a selector and in Transition enabled the timing function “ease-in-out”. The following has been added to the generated CSS:

#mysticky-nav.wrapfixed {
	-webkit-transition-timing-function: ease-in-out;
	transition-timing-function: ease-in-out;

Why are the -o- and -moz- properties are not added as well?

When I show the generated CSS there is a warning sign on the left that says:

The property -o-transition-timing-function is compatible with -webkit-transition-timing-function and should be included as well.
The property -moz-transition-timing-function is compatible with -webkit-transition-timing-function and should be included as well.

Could you please check?

Thank you.


Hey Drago,

I deliberately left out certain vendor prefixes necessary for older versions of browsers that are in very little use these days. This was based on some research I did when I first implemented the transition properties.

I don’t always agree with the CSS linting that comes with the ACE editor (the editor MT uses for formatting code). I think some of it’s opinions are based on times past. But I’m hesitant to switch it off as it does catch genuine syntax errors in the stylesheet.



Hi Sebastian,

Thanks for explaining! OK, I agree – you know better than me 🙂

Best regards,

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