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Forum Topics Created

Topic Voices Posts
Autoprefixer 3 10
[FIXED][BUG] Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined 2 7
[BUG?] Client-side SASS compilation does not work 2 11
Code Editor – automatic indentation customization 2 3
[5.7beta] Error "Cannot read property 'TvrUi' of undefined" 2 2
[RESOLVED][BUG] Custom CSS not saved for attribute CSS selector 2 6
[RESOLVED][Improvement] Show CSS selector when hovering over MT selector 2 10
[RESOLVED][BUG] Tooltip shows encoded HTML 2 4
[RESOLVED][BUG] JS error when manually creating a selector in a folder 2 3
[Improvement] Enhance the visibility of edited values 3 19
[Improvement request] Subfolders 3 6
[IMPROVEMENT] Make use of the Enter key when editing selectors 2 3
[BUG] Tooltip in colorpicker shows values in RGB 2 2
[resolved][BUG] "calc(100%/3 – 30px)" is shown as "NaNpx" 3 4
[resolved][BUG] spaces are removed from "calc(50% – 10px)" 2 3
Updated to 5.5 – did not notice speed difference [resolved!] 2 6
[resolved][BUG] JS exception after upgrading to 2 4
[Bug?] Elementor integration 2 4
New hosting? 2 4
[Improvement] Quick editing of numerical values 2 2
[Improvement] Add the CSS 'filter' property 2 2
[Improvement request] Enhance the visibility of values that have "important" set 2 4
[Improvement request] Highlight the currently active selector in the folder list 2 8
[BUG] -o-… and -moz-… not added to CSS 2 3
[Performance] Small delay when clicking around Microthemer 2 4