CSS works in custom CSS, but not in Microthemer


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See http://usm4.siteground.biz/~leadopti/ripleysmufflerandbrakes.com

I wanted to make the fixed header that shows when scrolled have a background color override the theme’s settings there. The theme dev gave me this:

.fl-page-header.fl-page-header-fixed {
background: black;

That works in the manual custom css space in MT, but when used in the MT GUI, it does nothing.

Any ideas why the css works in custom css, but not in MT GUI?


Hi Robert,

I’m not sure why you weren’t able to do this via the GUI. Did you paste the selector he gave you into the GUI selector?

I can’t see your attempt to do this via the GUI in your stylesheet: http://usm4.siteground.biz/~leadopti/ripleysmufflerandbrakes.com/wp-content/micro-themes/active-styles.css?mts=960&ver=4.5.3

If you try doing it via the GUI again I will comment on what you need to adjust.



I found the problem. For that selector, inside of MT’s GUI, there was a background image selected. It was grey, and I don’t recall putting it there, so I assume it was inherited from the main header background image entered into the theme. Anyway, I switched it to none in the MT GUI and it performed as expected. Thanks!


Great! I’m you managed to solve it. And thanks for sharing your process.


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