Not a big deal but when I look at the generated code I see an empty selector .wp-block {} that doesn’t show up in any of the folders or any of the electors I targeted.
I also see two similar tabs in the generated code view panel. Why would that be?
Microthemer adds an empty selector “.wp-block {}” at the top of a stylesheet to ensure that Microthemer files can be loaded in the Gutenberg editor iframe. It’s a quirk of the block editor that certain selectors must be present for them to be allowable. However, this extra style rule is not necessary for users not making use of the recent Gutenberg integration. I’ve just released an update ( so that “.wp-block {}” will not be added if you turn off the “Support admin area style loading” preference via:
Settings > General > Preferences > WORDPRESS ADMIN.
I hope that all makes sense. I’m hoping this workaround won’t be required forever.