Firefox Specific CSS

Author Posts


Hey guys, here’s a video with my issue:

Having trouble with CSS just on Firefox and not sure how to change it to work correctly.

.background-text .fl-heading-text, 
.infobox-photo-above-title .uabb-infobox-title, 
.uabb-face-text-title {
	padding: 0 20px 5px 20px;
	transition: .3s;
	display: inline;
	box-shadow: .5rem 0 0 rgb(255, 255, 255, .7);
	background: rgb(255, 255, 255, .7);
	-webkit-box-decoration-break: clone;
	-ms-box-decoration-break: clone;
	-o-box-decoration-break: clone;
	-box-decoration-break: clone;
.background-text .fl-heading-text:hover, 
.infobox-photo-above-title .uabb-infobox-title:hover, 
.uabb-face-text-title:hover {
	/* MT [ sub: 1 ] */
	box-shadow: .5rem 0 0 rgb(255, 255, 255);
	background: rgb(255, 255, 255);
.uabb-fancy-text-wrap {
	/* MT [ sub: 1 ] */
	padding: 25px 20px 23px 20px;
	transition: .3s;
	display: inline;
	box-shadow: .5rem 0 0 rgb(255, 255, 255, .7);
	background: rgb(255, 255, 255, .7);
	-webkit-box-decoration-break: clone;
	-ms-box-decoration-break: clone;
	-o-box-decoration-break: clone;
	-box-decoration-break: clone;


Sorry. Link would be

Please forgive some of this site. The client has already undone a ton. :/


Hey Andrew,

Thanks for sharing the link and providing a video demo.

Firefox fully supports the box-decoration-break property (without the need for a browser prefix). So you need to include that property along with the prefixed properties:

-webkit-box-decoration-break: clone;
-ms-box-decoration-break: clone;
-o-box-decoration-break: clone;
-box-decoration-break: clone;
box-decoration-break: clone;

That should do it. But please let me know if you’re still stuck.


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