I can't get the text alignment right

Author Posts



I am trying something very simple but can’t get it done :-). On all of the pages like this one https://www.autismecentrum-groningen.nl/loopbaanbegeleiding/ I want the text to align to the right of the image.

Seems a simple enough task but I can’t get it done.

In other words, I need help :-).


Hey Martin,

One option would be to target the .fusion-column-wrapper div and set display to block. Then, targeting the .fusion-image-element div and set float: left; margin: 0 3rem 2rem 0;

That way, the first paragraph of text will align to the right of it.

Is that the effect you were after?



Hi Sebastian,

That’s almost like I want it but I can’t seem to get the marging on the left of the picture right.


I limited it to this page for now as it is a live site but this is waht i have.

.mtp-20 .fusion-column-wrapper {
display: block;

.mtp-20 .fusion-image-element {
float: left;
left; margin: 0 3rem 2rem 0;


Oh, if I do this:

.mtp-20 .fusion-image-element {
margin-right: 4%;
float: left;

it works! :-D.


Oh great, I’m glad you manged to solve it in end!


Yes, thank you so much for your help and for creating Microthemer! I have tried them all and this is by far still the best eventhough I on occasion need some help :-D.


You’re very welcome Martin. I’m always happy to help out. And it’s really great to hear that you think Microthemer compares well with the competition.

Thanks for all of your help spreading the word.


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