No mixin named

Author Posts


hi, sometimes when i call a mixin i get this error:

Any suggestions? thanks.



At present, global Sass definitions (variables, mixins, functions) need to be added in the full code view: Settings > View > Full code editor.

Once you’ve moved your mixin definitions to the full code editor, you can @include them anywhere in the regular view.

The code editor in the main view is only intended for single selectors on the whole. There is a bit of wiggle room with that, but when it comes to Sass Microthemer’s compilation optimisation process does not allow definitions in the editor designed for single selectors. In an upcoming update, you will be able to add “Sass snippets” to folders, which will allow you to enter any kind of Sass and keep things more organised.

We have an old video that explains how Microthemer optimises the speed of Sass compilation in case you are interested.

I hope this info helps. Please let me know if you’re still stuck.


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