Novice Designer [unsure how to activate changes]

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I just unlocked the full version of MicroThemer. However, I am unable to force the changes I have made to go live. Not sure what I am supposed to do. Can you please help me.


Hi there,

No problem at all. Would you mind posting a link to your site here and describe which style or styles aren’t taking effect?

Many thanks,


I made a few changes, Mainly the white background when you click on all the links. I made it to where it was transparent. I also removed the border and of that white box to just a light gold radiance

Here is the code that is generated within MicroThemer:
/*** Microthemer Styles ***/

/* =Pages
————————————————————– */
/* White Background */
body.customize-support div.wrapper {
/* White Sheet */
body.customize-support div.wrapper {
font-family: sans-serif !important;
color: #1B4433 !important;
text-shadow: #B6BD5C 0.1px 0.2px 12px !important;
-webkit-box-shadow: #C3D17D 0 0 14px !important;
-moz-box-shadow: #C3D17D 0 0 14px !important;
box-shadow: #C3D17D 0 0 14px !important;
background-color: transparent !important;
background-clip: border-box !important;
overflow: visible !important;
visibility: visible !important;
/* Transparency */
body.customize-support div.wrapper {


Hi there,

I think that the problem occurs because when you are viewing the site in Microthemer, something (I’m not sure what) is adding a class called ‘customize-support’ to the body element of your page. This class doesn’t show when I view the frontend of your site. This may be because the ‘customize-support’ class is only added for logged in users? Or for some other reason.

The solution should be quite simple however. If navigate to the White Sheet selector you created (if you’re not on it already) and then click it’s name in the top toolbar this will reveal the quick edit options. Change the CSS selector code from this:

body.customize-support div.wrapper

To this:

body div.wrapper

(you remove the class to that the selector applies more generally to the wrapper element).

Click the UPDATE SELECTOR button and you should find that your light gold radiance starts to work.

Microthemer always suggests the most specific CSS selector code it can when you double-click something. But it’s often a good idea to broaden the targeting. You can do this by clicking the ‘Advanced options’ link at the top right (one you’ve double-clicked something). The drag the slider down on the targeting tab while keeping an eye on the blue highlighting to ensure that you don’t target more things than you want.

Side Note
I see from the CSS code you pasted that you have created 3 selectors that target the same element. Just in case you hadn’t noticed, you can return to selectors that you have already created by clicking the folder icon to the right of the styling options (around the middle of the top toolbar) and then browse your selectors from there. We’ve noticed that quite a few people miss this and will be updating the interface to address this problem soon.

I hope that helps. If you have any further questions please let me know.


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