Object-fit + background-filters

Author Posts


Hey man,

I’d love to see this (https://webflow.com/feature/object-fit-support?utm_source=in-app-update&utm_medium=SYBG&utm_campaign=object-fit) and backdrop filters (mainly blur) in Microthemer if possible 🙂


And I don’t think we have all these yet, but they might be handy as O2 does a lot of things wrong with wrapping:



Hey Dean,

Thanks for your suggestions.

white-space is already available in the Text property group. I’m happy to add object-fit and object-position, to the Behaviour group perhaps.


Awesome, thanks so much dude 🙂

As for the backdrop-filter, even just them not being marked as invalid in the css editor would be great if they can’t be put in the GUI!

Hope you had a great holiday so far

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