Open page in new browsertab

Author Posts



Is there a way to use the microthemer page navigation but open the selected page/template in a new tab?




Not currently. Would you want the new tab to load the Microthemer interface as well as the page, or just the page frontend? I mention this because you can’t use Microthemer with multiple MT tabs open. Or rather, you will only be able to make changes on the most recently opened tab. If you switch back to a previously opened MT tab, it will tell you to refresh page or use your more recent tab. This is to prevent strange things from happening.


Hi Sebastian,

thanks for your quick response even on a weekend. I appreciate that a lot!

And about the “open in a new tab”-issue. My current workflow with elementor is that I most of the time habe several tabs open as I am working a lot with nested templates. Switching back and forth through loading the nested template into the parent-page and vice versa would cost not only a bit of rethinking on my side but also some more time. But with your answer I guess that´s not something avaiable in the near future.




Yes, I think multiple MT tabs just have to be avoided for now unfortunately.

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