"Something's Wrong" Message When I First Load Page [clears on reload]

Author Posts


The “something’s wrong” message comes up when I first log in to my WP admin and activate Microthemer. All I need to do to get it to disappear and restore function is reload the page. I’ve checked in the console for errors and there are none. I do use a video background that takes about 15 extra seconds to load. Since the error message seems to be triggered by the load time, I thought perhaps that was the reason. But clearing browsing data, including cache, also clears the problem on the next reload.

Once I reload, the program works fine and the site appears to run ok.

But… any ideas on what’s causing this?





Hey Nicko,

You could be right about the video. I should probably make the 20 second timeout period configurable for situations like this. But to be sure, would you mind sending me login details for your site via this secure contact form:


Many thanks,



I installed the Genesis sample child theme and the login delay and error message has disappeared in all three browsers. (The previous installation was just Genesis and no child theme. Bad idea!)

The extra white space at the top and bottom, particularly noticeable in Safari, is still there, however.

Thanks again!



Hey Dominick,

I’m glad you solved the child theme issue. I just visited your site with both Chrome and Safari (logged out). But I didn’t see the white areas you described. I’m using windows. Would you mind sending me a screenshot of what you see?


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