Styling and Making Search Form Fields Horizontal

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I have a simple search form with four elements that I would like to style so that they are all horizontally in-line.

[wpv-filter-start hide="false"]
<div class="form-group">
	[wpv-control-post-taxonomy taxonomy="crew-type" type="select" url_param="wpv-crew-type"]
    [wpv-filter-search-box output="bootstrap"] [wpv-filter-submit output="bootstrap"] [wpv-filter-reset output="bootstrap"]

Currently the fields are vertical with the submit and reset button on the third line to the right. I would all elements to be in a horizontal line in a desktop computer.

I don’t know much about CSS at all but sure could use the help!



Sure, I’m happy to help. Would you mind posting a link to the page you’re working on? I would need to inspect the rendered HTML and current CSS styles to advise you.


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