Syntax check for “body :is( p, li)”

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Hi, not a critical issue, but if I create a selector as body :is( p, li) I get a syntax error, though I think the syntax is correct.


Thanks for notifying me Norm. This will be fixed in the next release, that will go out today or tomorrow.



Hey Sebastian,

I got the new update and the formatting is better for the :is selector. However, I’m still seeing a syntax error for expected RPAREN. This is the rule that I’m using.

body :is( p, li) {
	font-size: 1rem;


Hey Norm, could you try doing a hard refresh in your browser (hold Ctrl and click the refresh button)? The linter that comes with the code editors isn’t so easy to automatically cache bust with new releases of MT.


Thanks Sebastian… a ctl-refresh didn’t work, but then I went into dev tools and did a clear cache and hard refresh from there and that solved the problem. Looking good now 😁


Oh great, thanks for confirming!

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