Update error [invalid archive structure on update file RESOLVED]

Author Posts


While trying to update the plug-in to the latest version (3.5.9) from WP site admin dashboard, it returns the following error: An error occurred while updating Microthemer: The package could not be installed. PCLZIP_ERR_BAD_FORMAT (-10) : Invalid archive structure.





I updated a few sites this morning and all went okay so I think it might be the update is being interrupted. I’d suggest trying again after a little bit as WordPress update servers could be having issue, or download and upgrade manually.


I just tried updating again and got the same error.

I downloaded the plugin, deactivated it, deleted it, and installed the new version. The manual install worked.


Sorry for the trouble guys, I’ve re-uploaded the zip package and the auto-update works on my tests now. I think the zip file only partially uploaded yesterday which would explain the PCLZIP error message.

Thanks for raising this in the forum.



I just updated a site. It’s fixed. I used dashboard updater as expected.
No need deleting and re-installing the plug-in anymore.
Thanks for taking care of this Sebastian.


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