Is there any way to see where CSS is applied, as in what pages might share the same CSS? I didn’t really know what I was doing initially and applied some CSS that was too broad. I’m trying to clean things up. I know I can look on each individual page but am not sure if I delete CSS from one page that is irrelevant, if that might be important on another page. I’m doubtful but thought I’d ask.
Unfortunately there isn’t a log in Microthemer of which pages are affected by certain styles.
The safest approach to cleaning up would be to disable the selectors you suspect are not needed (rather than deleting them). Or move them to a page-specific folder (see video about that). That way, if styles disappear from one page you can un-disable them / move them back to a global folder.
Not shown in that video, but if you drag to increase the width of the folders panel, the icons for delete/disable/clear will display when you hover over a selector, which is much quicker if you are disabling a lot of selectors.