Microthemer Changelog (6.x)

= (November 3rd, 2021) =

# Bugs fixed
* Error when renaming a folder - 'Uncaught ReferenceError: upd is not defined'.

= (October 31st, 2021) =

# Bugs fixed
* When enabling the page-id or page-name CSS modifiers, with the selector specificity set to high, Microthemer could default to suggestions that included body classes only relevant to logged in users. This meant that styles did not apply to regular site visitors under some circumstances.

= (September 29th, 2021) =

# Bugs fixed
* Final fix for issues creating a selector that arose from an update in June. A full repair on Microthemer's data settings runs when this version is installed. This should fix a period of MT instability for users that experienced it over the last few months.

= (September 24th, 2021) =

# Bugs fixed
* Plugin conflict with OxyMade, where Microthemer's color picker did not display properly.

= (September 6th, 2021) =

# Bugs fixed
* Critical issue with using the custom code editor (to the left of the Font property) to edit styles on selectors created before June 2021. Styles could disappear if the selector label contained non-alphanumeric characters.

= (July 29th, 2021) =

# Bugs fixed
* Setting an animation or transition JavaScript event did not always work properly.

= (July 8th, 2021) =

# Bugs fixed
* Set max-width in code suggestion dropdown menu to prevent it displaying off screen when a very long selector is suggested.

= (July 1st, 2021) =

# Bugs fixed
* Conflict with a custom WP admin theme where the WP admin displayed in the MT interface, overlapping the top content.

= (June 18th, 2021) =

# Bugs fixed
* The previous update generated a JS error (Cannot read property 'split' of undefined) when creating a new selector in a folder that had the maximum number of selectors in it (40).

= (June 14th, 2021) =

# Bugs fixed
* Using entirely non alpha-numeric characters (e.g. Arabic, Chinese) for folder and selector names caused an error. * The code editor did not recognise aspect-ratio, padding and margin block/inline properties, and was not correctly coloring the 'unset' keyword.

= (June 7th, 2021) =

# Bugs fixed
* Reverted the fix in as it caused issues for some users.

= (June 6th, 2021) =

# Bugs fixed
* False positive warning in editor when a :not() selector contained spaces.

= (May 20th, 2021) =

# Bugs fixed
* Microthemer didn't always set the preview width to the exact size for min-width media queries on certain screen resolutions.

= (April 28th, 2021) =

# Bugs fixed
* Compatibility issues with Elementor 3.2+. The site preview displayed in a very small area, and MT's responsive tabs did not sync with Elementor's device mode.
* MT did not accommodate the size of Elementor's right-hand navigator panel when adjusting the available space for mobile and tablet views. This issue pre-dated the compatibility issues with Elementor 3.2.

= (March 24th, 2021) =

# Bugs fixed
* Microthemer SSL detection could fail with certain server setups.

= (March 15th, 2021) =

# Bugs fixed
* Using the custom CSS property "mask-image" in the code editor caused formatting problems.

= (March 8th, 2021) =

# Bugs fixed
* Box-shadow spread and blur could get mixed up when switching between the editor and GUI options.

= (February 11th, 2021) =

# Bugs fixed
* Setting the WP toolbar preference "If yes to above, include as a top level link" to "No" was ignored on the frontend.

= (February 8th, 2021) =

# Change
* Non-English versions of Microthemer always load translated JavaScript data inline, rather than trying to write to a file initially.

# Bugs fixed
* Activating non-English versions of Microthemer could generate unwanted output.

= (January 31st, 2021) =

# Bugs fixed
* Under some circumstances, rapidly searching a dropdown menu could generate a JavaScript error: "Cannot read property 'value' of undefined".

= (January 22nd, 2021) =

# Bugs fixed
* Grid highlighting could also be misaligned if the body element had a non-static position value.

= (January 22nd, 2021) =

# Bugs fixed
* Issue with Microthemer interface not loading the frontend.
* Microthemer's element highlighting could be misaligned if the body element had a non-static position value.

= (January 19th, 2021) =

# Enhancement
* Added a temporary 'Compatibility' tab to the preferences where you can choose to load an older version of jQuery. This was to address a number of reports from customers that are having issues with WordPress 5.6 and Microthemer, which stopped reverting jQuery by default.

= (January 15th, 2021) =

# Bugs fixed
* Tooltips had very low opacity.

= (January 11th, 2021) =

# Bugs fixed
* Removed deprecated jQuery functions that are not compatible with the native version of jQuery that ships with WordPress 5.6 and later.
* Using the icons in the CSS property menus (e.g. clear/save) triggered focus on the current value.

= (January 2nd, 2021) =

# Change
* Updated the Sass compiler to the latest version.

= (December 17th, 2020) =

# Bugs fixed
* Intermittent error where 'WordPress Site loading' message lingers, and page could not be interacted with. This affected certain sites and certain browsers more than others, but was related to the WordPress 5.6 conflict.

= (December 9th, 2020) =

# Bugs fixed
* Compatibility issue with WordPress 5.6, which loads a new jQuery version.

= (December 4th, 2020) =

# Change
* Removed 'Clear all styles' option, which kept folders and selectors intact. This options was more relevant in the early days of Microthemer.

# Bugs fixed
* The width of nth-formula and property fields was not increasing to match the length of the value in the dock top view.
* The blue dot appeared in the wrong place for color picker fields when options were docked left.
* Switching to the grid controls when a dropdown menu was showing closed the menu but the value slider remained visible.
* Using the function repeat(auto-fit, minmax(320px, 1fr)) had the last bracket removed when returning to edit the selector.
* Using grid-area shorthand in the code editor did not always map to the UI fields correctly.
* Microthemer was converting grid-template-rows/columns to shorthand (grid or grid-template) if all relevant properties were set, even if a repeat function was used, which is not valid.

= (November 24th, 2020) =

# Bugs fixed
* CSS grid highlight lines were misaligned in Firefox.

= (November 24th, 2020) =

# Bugs fixed
* CSS grid highlight lines were not displaying.
* When importing raw CSS via Packs > Import > CSS stylesheet, Microthemer was converting non-pixel units to pixels.

= (November 2nd, 2020) =

# Bugs fixed
* A strangely large font-size could display in the code editor if the Monaco font was installed.
* Oxygen integration - Microthemer was not responding to the left sidebar being hidden, which could result in the wrong responsive view size.
* Oxygen integration - when launching O2 with the grid options active, a JS error displayed and selecting elements with MT was not possible.

= (October 27th, 2020) =

# Bugs fixed
* JS error when clearing border-color fields that were linked by chain icon: Cannot read property 'hasClass' of undefined

= (October 27th, 2020) =

# Bugs fixed
* Conflict with WP 5.6 beta - clicking the CSS property dropdown dots caused a JavaScript error.

= (October 26th, 2020) =

# Enhancement
* If the page loads more than 2500 style rules, the Styles tab can still be used for one-time analysis of CSS applying to an element.

# Bugs fixed
* With the options docked left, the grid template/auto column and row headings were not aligned correctly.
* CSS variables and values could not be sampled if the page loads more than 2500 style rules. Now MT provides a confirm prompt in such circumstances.

= (October 19th, 2020) =

# Enhancement
* Sass editing mode now supports autocomplete.

# Bugs fixed
* Long selectors in the quick targeting suggestions could mis-align the options.
* Possible JS error when creating a selector: Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'val' of undefined.

= (October 14th, 2020) =

# Enhancement
* MT inactive code can now be run as a separate simple plugin, as an alternative to copying code to a child theme's functions.php file. This may be easier for beginners, and is necessary for Oxygen Builder users because Oxygen disables the theme.

# Bugs fixed
* MT inactive code could generate a deprecated warning on modern versions of PHP: Unparenthesized `a ? b : c ? d : e` is deprecated.

= (September 28th, 2020) =

# Enhancement
* Clicking the 'x' in CSS property fields give the input focus to make it easier to enter a new value.

= (September 28th, 2020) =

# Bugs fixed
* Adding transform code to additional selectors in the custom code area (i.e. not the first selector, which is synchronizable with the UI fields) caused the the transform code to be oddly formatted.

= (September 25th, 2020) =

# Enhancement
* MT now checks for data formatting issues on each page load. It's unclear how these data formatting issues occur, but they will no longer present a problem for users while we're establishing the root cause.

# Change
* Disabled browser caching of Microthemer's HTML, which could happen when using the forward/back button, and perhaps in other instances. HTML caching could lead to a false positive 'Multiple browser tabs' warning.

# Bugs fixed
* In Firefox, the scroll buttons did not display if there were too many responsive tabs to fit in the available screen space.
* Undefined JS error when trying to use the selectors menu.

= (September 23rd, 2020) =

# Change
* When exiting Microthemer, it warns if recent changes have not been saved. Previously, MT waited for changes to save before proceeding to the next page, but some browsers have stopped allowing that.

# Bugs fixed
* Changing a selector's code via the editor did not always save correctly.
* Junk history items were added to the revisions table when editing a selector's code via the editor.

= (September 18th, 2020) =

# Bugs fixed
* Using the shorthand transform scale function was setting scaleY to "1", rather than the same as scaleX, if only one number was supplied.
* Using the shorthand skew() and translate() functions were setting the Y axis to "1" by default, when the correct value is "0".

= (September 17th, 2020) =

# Bugs fixed
* Microthemer did not sync the responsive views with Elementor correctly when adjusting the size of the left panel or the navigator on the right.
* The Elementor preview URL parameter (elementor-preview) in MT's recently viewed pages menu could cause the 60 second site loading message to display.

= (September 14th, 2020) =

# Bugs fixed
* Elementor integration issue - some media query tabs were not adjusting the site preview correctly if Elementor was active inside MT (when they should have been syncing with Elementor device mode).

= (September 13th, 2020) =

# Enhancement
* Recently viewed pages can be cleared from the menu.

# Bugs fixed
* Recently visited pages in the Pages dropdown menu could have the wrong path on: a) multisite installs, b) if WordPress was installed in a sub-folder, c) if a proxy domain was being used e.g. //localhost:8080. Note, this update resets recent pages to ensure badly formatted paths do not linger on.

= (September 12th, 2020) =

# Bugs fixed
* Microthemer didn't always load the correct URL parameters for editing oxygen pages, which could result in only the inner content being editable, and under some circumstances Oxygen data loss.

= (September 12th, 2020) =

# Bugs fixed
* The previous update caused the slider menu to show on non-numeric dropdowns too.

= (September 11th, 2020) =

# Enhancement
* Microthemer shows the pixel equivalent for comparable units (e.g. em, rem, %, vmax) at the top right of the suggestions menu.

# Bugs fixed
* The slider controls could become misaligned if a user action changed the width of the suggestions menu (e.g. filtering the results, or clearing a long suggestion).
* Clearing a single suggestion selected the value being cleared, and as a result added the suggestion back to the list. This issue was due to WordPress 5.5 removing the jQuery migration script. It's likely that also caused a range of other bugs in MT, so I am restoring the migration script for now.
* Switching the CSS unit when no value was set in the field did not always work as expected.

= (September 9th 2020) =

# Bugs fixed
* Compatibility issue with Agency Base whereby the Agency Base stylesheet was unloaded when targeting elements if Oxygen was active inside MT and the Styles tab was open.
* The animation play button was misaligned in Firefox.

= (August 27th 2020) =

# Bugs fixed
* The pre-update settings were not being saved to the history table when upgrading without deactivating MT first.
* Design pack screenshots were not showing, and could cause a PHP warning.
* Version bumped to 6.3 as I forgot to do this with version, which was a major release.

= (August 26th 2020) =

# Bugs fixed
* The CSS unit reverted to pixels when editing a field's value after using the CSS unit menu to set a new unit.

= (August 25th 2020) =

# Enhancement
* Transform and filter properties added.
* Sliders added for numeric fields.
* Better support for different CSS units.
* Mousewheel value adjust for numeric CSS property fields.
* Keyboard up/down arrow adjust for numeric fields.
* Hold shift to increase increments (x10) when using plus/minus buttons, keyboard arrows, or mousewheel.
* Press and hold feature for the plus/minus slider buttons.
* Tidied up Microthemer's preferences page.
* Mousewheel can be used to cycle through dropdown menu values without showing the menu.
* When opening a dropdown menu, the current value gains focus. The up and down arrows can used to switch focus from that anchor point.
* Added a confirm prompt for clearing the styles of all selectors in a folder.
* Trying out numberless slider that drags right for increasing values, which may feel more intuitive. Enable this via preferences by setting 'Enable tape measure style sliders' to 'No'.

# Change
* Recently used values are not added to the dropdown menu while it is still showing. As this caused continuity issues, and may have been an unnecessary distraction.
* MT auto-navigates to a copied selector, rather than keeping focus on the original selector.

# Bugs fixed
* When importing selector code with duplicate properties, but different property values, a data formatting issue could occur.
* When importing style rules with duplicate properties AND values, Microthemer was not filtering the duplicates out.
* Loading a old design pack from the earliest versions of Microthemer did not update to the current data structure correctly.
* Invalid suggestions removed from grid auto columns/rows menu: repeat functions and none.
* Dropdown menus weren't working on standalone preferences page.
* Grid nth radio buttons could be cut off if scrollbars were needed.
* The white-space property didn't have an icon.
* Clicking the Item:1 number of the grid tabs didn't activate the tab.
* Border-color didn't sync if a CSS variable was used (even with the chain on).
* Left ruler did not show when docking all options left (until the sidebar was resized for the first time).
* Downloading a design pack didn't work with WordPress 5.5 due to a jQuery version change. References to the deprecated .live() function were removed.
* Clearing a copied selector could also clear the original selector if the inline code editor was showing.
* Compatibility issue with Elementor - didn't activate properly inside MT.
* Non-english translations of MT didn't show correct translation strings for CSS property names.
* Clearing sampled CSS property values (single) didn't work.

= (August 5th 2020) =

# Bugs fixed
* The last fix ( included some Portuguese text!

= (August 4th 2020) =

# Bugs fixed
* Translated versions of Microthemer had an issue with the custom code editor wiping out styles.

= (July 23rd 2020) =

# Bugs fixed
* Microthemer's fallback proxy connection for unsuccessful unlock attempts wasn't working properly.

= (July 23rd 2020) =

# Bugs fixed
* Previous fix didn't cater for media query settings.
* The animation button was misaligned.
* Importing raw CSS could miss styles added to media queries if the media query didn't already exist in Microthemer.

= (July 22nd 2020) =

# Bugs fixed
* Changing a selector's code via the selectors menu could result in the old code being appended to the new code if the selector had a non-GUI supported style.

= (July 21st 2020) =

# Bugs fixed
* Conflict with Agency tools where MT could change order its stylesheet loaded when O2 was active.
* Importing CSS from stylesheet did not set the blue dots correctly to signal which selectors have styles.
* The CSS stylesheet import review stats did not list non-GUI supported styles (e.g. CSS variables or border-image-slice).
* Issue when importing CSS from a stylesheet when Sass support is enabled: Uncaught ReferenceError: value is not defined.
* Issue clearing a whole folder when the code editor is docked left: Cannot read property 'find' of undefined.
* Issue syncing width between editor and UI if display property was set to 'grid'.

= (July 9th 2020) =

# Enhancement
* Custom grid item rules could sync with the UI when they shouldn't.

= (July 2nd 2020) =

# Enhancement
* Microthemer auto-disabled the Styles tab if there are too many CSS rules to analyse.

= (June 22nd 2020) =

# Bugs fixed
* The white-space CSS property field went missing.

= (June 9th 2020) =

# Bugs fixed
* CSS conflict with Admin 2020 theme.
* Possible JavaScript error when updating to 6.2: cannot read property 'property' of undefined.

= (June 5th 2020) =

# Bugs fixed
* Setting the number of revisions MT stores to more than 300 (the maximum) reset to 50, rather than 300.

= (May 20th 2020) =

# Bugs fixed
* MT grid settings data structure could be mis-formatted, resulting in a JavaScript error.

= (May 18th 2020) =

# Bugs fixed
* Issue loading post or page drafts via the new Pages menu, and then editing with Oxygen.

= (May 15th 2020) =

# Bugs fixed
* Microthemer was reloading the page when clicking links in targeting mode if the href property had an empty value.

= (May 13th 2020) =

# Enhancement
* Custom JavaScript added with Microthemer can be set to load in the footer via the preferences.

# Bugs fixed
* Increased the z-index of Microthemer's targeting overlays to fix conflict with Oxygen Pro menu.

= (May 11th 2020) =

# Bugs fixed
* CSS grid control area included style and script tags in the set of numbered child elements.

= (May 10th 2020) =

# Bugs fixed
* The HTML pane in targeting mode didn't always load new HTML when expanding the advanced options.

= (May 8th 2020) =

# Bugs fixed
* Deleting the final selector, and then re-adding it, returned the original CSS to the custom code editor.
* Recent update to Oxygen template loading caused issues with saving shortcodes. It seems to be a quirk of Oxygen that the template admin screen must be visited before the template can be edited visually.
* Improved compatibility with Oxygen 3.3 and it's new post locking system. There is still scope for improvement, but Oxygen may have to update things at their end.

= (May 4th 2020) =

# Enhancement
* Microthemer auto-converts the frontend URL to HTTPS if the main MT interface is using HTTPS.

# Bugs fixed
* Loading Oxygen templates from the new 'Pages' menu didn't work under some circumstances.

= (April 30th 2020) =

# Enhancement
* Sass variables supported in new Var color picker field.
* Improved connectivity when unlocking Microthemer.

# Bugs fixed
* Fixed issue with Beaver Builder integration: Uncaught ReferenceError: FLBuilder is not defined.

= (April 27th 2020) =

# Bugs fixed
* Clicking to the left of the new Specificity toggle label triggered the toggle.

= (April 26th 2020) =

# Enhancement
* Microthemer presents a confirm dialog when deleting a folder that contains one or more selectors.

= (April 25th 2020) =

# Enhancement
* Microthemer prioritises user-defined Oxygen classes when generating selector suggestions. * Microthemer auto clears grid-area shorthand when setting row/col start/end longhand properties using the input fields or the grid control area (and vice versa).

# Change
* Reduced number of recent/pages/posts in site navigation menu from 10 to 8. And reduced height of dropdown area.

# Bugs fixed
* Siteground compatibility issue: item.indexOf is not a function. * MT was ignoring custom classes set in Oxygen if an underscore was used (if Oxygen was active). * An issue with interchangeability between the code editor and grid item selectors.

= (April 22nd 2020) =

# Enhancement
* Microthemer's selector suggestions can be sorted by high or low specificity. This just changes the order of the suggesstions in the dropdown menus. It's useful for finding broader class-based selectors more easily.

= (April 21st 2020) =

# Bugs fixed
* Issue with setting a custom preview size for the 'All Devices' tab (for mobile first design) when loading Oxygen inside Microthemer.
* The CSS grid boundary handle could show even when all previously created selectors have been deleted.

= (April 16th 2020) =

# Bugs fixed
* Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'hasOwnProperty' of undefined (line 1432).

= (April 15th 2020) =

# Bugs fixed
* Some PHP warnings in pre-released version.

= (April 9th 2020) =

# Change
* Another tweak to the selector algorithm.

# Bugs fixed
* Issue with HTML lines not syncing up with elements correctly under some circumstances.
* The blue dot on the grid 'Areas' tab wasn't updating when clearing all grid areas.
* JS error 'Cannot read property pageYOffset' when using grid control if page builder was midway through loading.
* MT was generating invalid selectors for WooCommerce content when Oxygen was activate.

= (April 6th 2020) =

# Enhancement
* New 'All' tab added to grid properties. This is very useful for overriding flexbox or float layouts and resetting grid item positions on mobile.

= (April 2nd 2020) =

# Change
* Tweaked the selector algorithm to favour selectors with a nearby parent context. And to favour parents with ids over classes.

# Bugs fixed
* Microthemer only samples CSS variables defined in the global scope using 'html', ':root', or 'body' selectors.

= (April 2nd 2020) =

# Change
* Recent pages menu has been moved from the 'View' menu to a new 'Page' menu, and has been enhanced.

# Enhancement
* New 'Page' menu with site search facility and option to load pages as a non-logged in user.
* Toggle 'Page' menu using a new keyboard shortcut: Ctrl + Alt + N.
* Option to auto-launch any installed paged builder on new pages (supports Elementor, Beaver Builder, Oxygen).
* Previously entered CSS property values update in the menu quickly, without having to reopen the menu.
* 'Sampled values' option added to more CSS properties for checking commonly used values for a specific property. This helps keep styling consistent.
* 'Site variables' option added to CSS properties for easily applying CSS variables instead of hard-coded values.
* Site variables in use on the site can also be sampled. This helps when integrating with other plugins like 'Central Color Palette'.
* Color picker now has a field for entering variables.

# Bugs fixed
* CSS background shorthand could have invalid formatting if background-repeat and background-size were non-default values.
* False positive code editor warnings when using CSS variables.
* Using variables with the Google fonts fields didn't work.

= (March 18th 2020) =

# Enhancement
* Keyboard shortcut for activating/deactivating Elementor, Beaver Builder, or Oxygen: Ctrl+Alt+B

= (March 10th 2020) =

# Bugs fixed
* Missing build file in previous update caused a JS error: Uncaught TypeError: n is not a constructor

= (March 9th 2020) =

# Bugs fixed
* Issue adding grid template area: Uncaught TypeError: rows[l].join is not a function.
* CSS grid shorthand could be invalid with certain combinations of grid properties.
* Using opacity and e.g. filter: blur(3px) on the same selector caused MT to remove the filter property when writing CSS to the stylesheet.
* False positive validation warning when using variables with shorthand properties like box-shadow.

= (March 2nd 2020) =

# Enhancement
* Microthemer adapts rulers and responsive preview width the full-screen mode enabled via "Editor Enhancer for Oxygen".

= beta (Feb 27th 2020) =

# Bugs fixed
PHP Notice: Undefined variable: add_styles in tvr-microthemer.php.

= beta (Feb 25th 2020) =

# Enhancement
* The styles tab is slightly faster when Oxygen is active.

# Bugs fixed
* Oxygen elements were still draggable during MT targeting mode.
* Pages with Oxygen templates were not always loading correctly if activated using MT View menu switch.
* JS error 'Cannot read property 'width' of undefined' when using the 'Areas' CSS grid tab with grid highlighting enabled.
* Fixed issue with misaligned grid highlight with Oxygen columns.

= beta (Feb 21st 2020) =

# Bugs fixed
* Persistent issue with Firefox where Microthemer targeting panels could be misaligned.
* MT Styles tab a bit faster when Oxygen is active (maybe still room for improvement).
* Issue with Oxygen resize handles showing throw when targeting with MT.
* Un-editable Oxygen content sometimes when enabling Oxygen via MT View menu control.

= beta (Feb 19th 2020) =

# Enhancement
* MT responsive tabs can be manually assigned to sync with page builder mobile views.
* Performance enhancement for targeting elements with the advanced controls open.
* Microthemer cleans up artificial HTML attributes when Oxygen builder is active, leaving only what will display when the page is published.
* Microthemer updates computed styles in response to changes in Oxygen.
* Special oxygen patch no longer required to test the beta.

# Bugs fixed
* Microthemer and Oxygen panels could be misaligned in Firefox.
* Existing selectors not (always) returnable via numbers.
* Double-click Oxygen text element should not trigger MT targeting mode.

= beta (Feb 16th 2020) =

# Change
* MT uses Elementor preview size on the 'Elementor tablet' and 'Elementor mobile' responsive tabs even when Elementor is not active inside Microthemer (as opposed to defaulting the the max-width value of the media query).

# Enhancement
* Oxygen can be loaded inside Microthemer - the core integration feature.
* Improved selector algorithm that is better at finding sets of related elements.
* Microthemer's selector algorithm ignores artificial Oxygen UI classes that are not present on the published page.
* Oxygen element targeting controls temporarily step aside when targeting elements with Microthemer.
* Oxygen responsive tabs are loaded by default when installing Microthemer, if Oxygen is already installed and activated. They can also be loaded manually via the 'Edit media queries' screen. See 'Oxygen MQs'.
* Microthemer responsive views sync with Oxygen's responsive views.
* Microthemer adapts to Oxygen sidebar views by adjusting the ruler start point and accommodating the Oxygen 'Structure' menu.

# Bugs fixed * Elementor device view was not always syncing with MT correctly.

= (Feb 27th 2020) =

# Bugs fixed
* Margin and padding quad values were not correctly mapping to MT's UI fields.

= (Feb 25th 2020) =

# Bugs fixed
* Issue with manual !important settings being removed when restoring a revision.

= (Feb 24th 2020) =

# Bugs fixed
* Issue with event-based animations when used across different device tabs at the same time.

= (Feb 20th 2020) =

# Bugs fixed
* Several stock animate.css animations didn't set opacity on last frame so animation-fill-mode: forwards wasn't working as expected.

= (Feb 5th 2020) =

# Bugs fixed
* Possible errors when performing actions in MT when frontend had not fully loaded: 's.get_current_url is not a function' and 's.get_style_nodes is not a function'.
* Box-shadow inset keyword was getting lost when editing styles via the editor.

# Change
* 'U' icon for 'jumping' to a UI property from the code editor changes to a 'J', due to keyboard shortcut being changed to Ctrl+Alt+J. This was only recently changed from G to U, but Ctrl+Alt+U wasn't suitable as it prints a special u character with an accent.

= (Feb 5th 2020) =

# Bugs fixed
* Error importing arbitrary CSS into Microthemer via Packs > Import > CSS Stylesheet.

= (Jan 30th 2020) =

# Change
* 'G' icon for switching to a UI property from the code editor changes to a 'U', and keyboard shortcut changed to Ctrl+Alt+U, as Ctrl+Alt+U is reserved for viewing the generated CSS code.

# Bugs fixed
* The selector label and folder fields in targeting mode are redundant in the View > Full code editor view. And so they are now hidden.

= (Jan 30th 2020) =

# Enhancement
* MT JavaScript error checking can be turned off via Preferences.

= (Jan 23rd 2020) =

# Change
* Label for unlock field clarifies unlock code can be used as well as email.
* Side-docked style options display in two columns at a smaller width (360px).

# Bugs fixed
* Microthemer was stripping pixel units from calc() functions when restoring a previous save point.
* With style options docked left, grid control was not expanding with width of sidebar.

= (Jan 20th 2020) =

# Change
* The pre-upgrade backup Microthemer creates is stored in the revisions table as "x.x.x.1 settings (before updating to x.x.x.2)", rather than "Pre-upgrade backup settings". This revision remains available until the next upgrade overwrites it (unless you choose to save it before upgrading again). Backup design packs are no longer auto-created before major MT version updates.

# Bugs fixed
* Possible PHP warnings when upgrading from an older version of MT.
* MT was creating multiple backup zip files when upgrading MT rather than overwriting the previous. MT only creates backups in the history table now.
* White lines could appear at the top right of the revision history screen.
* Selectors could be blank after upgrading from old version of MT (requiring use of the 'Regenerate CSS' option in preferences to fix).
* Browser fallbacks e.g. 'width:10px; width: 2vw;' not being stripped from Microthemer's CSS editor. * Computed styles were not updating in response to changes in the viewport in Chrome. This could sometimes results in artificial horizontal scrollbars in mobile views.

= (Jan 16th 2020) =

# Bugs fixed
* Moving the current selector to another folder caused the style fields to disappear.
* The transition event value field was not displaying when returning to the transition group, even when the event value was set to :hover or :focus.

= (Jan 11th 2020) =

# Bugs fixed
* PHP warning: Deprecated: Unparenthesized a ? b : c ? d : e is deprecated.
* PHP warning: Array and string offset access syntax with curly braces is deprecated.
* With non-typical WP head setup: Uncaught NotFoundError: Failed to execute 'insertBefore' on 'Node.
* Fixed issue when upgrading from a very old version of MT to the 6.x range.
* Fixed issue with previously entered style values in suggestions dropdown not being remembered.

= (Jan 9th 2020) =

# Change * Targeting suggestion dropdown menus are more obviously dropdown menus. And match the formatting of the styling dropdown menus.

# Enhancement
* Grid control can be expanded using a new icon next to the grid highlight icon, which has lost it's text label.
* Number of history snapshots configurable via General > Preferences.
* History snapshots can be saved permanently.

# Bugs fixed
* With non-typical WP head setup: Uncaught NotFoundError: Failed to execute 'insertBefore' on 'Node.
* Unnecessary Sass compilation warning when first enabling Sass on a fresh install.
* Empty selectors could cause issues for subsequent selectors when multiple selectors were added to the custom code editor (to the left of the Font property group). Also, MT was auto-clearing empty selectors when returning to the code editor.
* The code editor was throwing a false positive warning when CSS functions like calc() or var() were used.
* Some issues with the code editor scroll position not resuming correctly.

= (Jan 6th 2020) =

# Enhancement
* Elementor navigator can be docked right inside MT for mobile and tablet while preserving the correct preview width.
* Improved MT-Elementor responsive view synchronisation.

# Bugs fixed
* Elementor device mode was not updating when using corresponding responsive MT tabs. The preview width was updating, but the Elementor UI wasn't updating.
* CSS modifier :nth pseudo selectors were a bit misaligned.
* Error importing arbitrary CSS via Packs > Import > CSS Stylesheet: Cannot read property 'replace' of undefined.
* Grid highlight status was not remembered between MT interface reloads.
* Deleting a selector entirely via the editor, including the brackets etc, defaulted back to the previous state of the selector (e.g. with original declarations) rather than an empty selector with no declarations.

= (Dec 31st 2019) =

# Enhancement
* New option for loading Microthemer CSS after Oxygen: Preferences > Integrations. This is enabled by default on new MT installs if Oxygen is already installed and activated.

= (Dec 20th 2019) =

# Bugs fixed
* Error uploading design pack: 'the link you followed has expired'

= (Dec 19th 2019) =

# Enhancement
* Grid highlight option added to grid properties.

# Bugs fixed
* Misalignment of radio inputs on high resolution displays.
* Display of grid-auto properties when options docked to left.
* CSS conflict with social icons plugin. MT's toggles were over-sized and purple.
* The presence of a noscript tag caused issues for MT's HTML inspector 'click to select' functionality.

= (Dec 13th 2019) =

# Bugs fixed
* Intermittent error with dropdown menus: 'this.source is not a function'.
* WP toolbar shortcut to MT wasn't loading the page or post relevant to the edit page/post screen from which it was clicked. Draft posts and pages can now be edited with MT more easily with this fix.

= (Dec 12th 2019) =

# Change
* Preview doesn't default to full width when using the MT icon to hide the Microthemer toolbar.

# Bugs fixed
* Blue dot on 'Item' tab wasn't updating correctly in single grid item view.
* Elementor mobile control wasn't resizing the preview correctly if Elementor specific media queries were not active in Microthemer.
* Grid item radio labels could display strangely with double-digit numbers.

= (Dec 5th 2019) =

# Bugs fixed
* Stock animations were not working on the frontend since the 6.x beta release under some conditions.

= (Dec 4th 2019) =

# Enhancement
* Added option to use absolute background image paths. This is useful when working with WP sites installed in a sub-directory.
* prefix '-webkit-sticky' is now added by Microthemer.

# Bugs fixed
* Unnecessary Sass compilation warning when creating a new selector: 'Data context created with empty source string'.
* The code editor recognises 'sticky' as a valid value for the position property.
* Custom CSS comments were being stripped from the code editor

= (Dec 2nd, 2019) =

# Enhancement
* MT code editor recognises property scroll-behavior. * Background-clip property has new 'text' value.

# Bugs fixed
* MT loaded its styles after Oxygen styles when working inside MT, but before on the site frontend. This meant styles that needed overriding with greater CSS specificity could fo unnoticed until viewing the site outside MT.

= (Dec 1st, 2019) =

# Bugs fixed
* Under some conditions the CSS property fields could load twice.
* Naming folders or selectors with plain integers could cause issues.
* Disabled grid item tabs didn't show line through after reloading property group.

= (Nov 28th, 2019) =

# Change
* Highest min-width breakpoint is 1400 rather than 1600, as 1600 is larger than standard laptops.

= (Nov 28th, 2019) =

# Change
* New min and max media query sets added. The label for the default media queries has also been tweaked to more accurately reflect the mix of media queries included. As well as flag it more clearly as the default set. Should it still be the default set? Is the new 'Min and max' set more useful? Please let us know!

= (Nov 27th, 2019) =

# Bugs fixed
* Cannot read property 'coordinates' of undefined error could happen when clearing grid item values.
* Duplicate grid-area values could be generated when rapidly dragging grid control items.

= (Nov 26th, 2019) =

# Bugs fixed
* Grid control items fix in previous update wasn't quite finished.

= (Nov 26th, 2019) =

# Enhancement
* Added suggested value to grid-template-columns: repeat(auto-fit, minmax(320px, 1fr)). This can be used to make grid items responsive without using media queries. It's magic!

# Bugs fixed
* Scroll buttons displayed to the right of the border property group even when they weren't needed.
* Undefined JS error.
* Under some conditions the grid control items could get out of sync with the items they represent.

= (Nov 24th, 2019) =

# Bugs fixed
* Color picker didn't show hex/rgba values.
* Blue dots appeared on grid align and areas tabs on newly created selectors even if no value set.

= (Nov 24th, 2019) =

# Major Bug fixed
* Updating to version 6 from a 5.x version caused Microthemer's stylesheet to be blank.

= (Nov 22nd, 2019) =

# Bugs fixed
* The new grid alignment properties were not syncing properly with the code editor.

= (Nov 22nd, 2019) =

# Enhancement
* Grid boundary only shows explicitly defined rows or columns, rather than including implicit tracks. This can help users identify issue from dragging items outside of the explicit grid.

# Bugs fixed
* The blue dots on the grid sub tabs were not always updating correctly.

= (Nov 22nd, 2019) =

# Enhancement
* Drag and drop support for creating CSS grid layouts.
* CSS grid specification fully supported with UI fields.

# Bugs fixed
* clicking HTML line in targeting mode didn't work after second click.
