Microthemer Changelog (1.x)

1.4.1 (Dec 6, 2012)

# Bugs Fixed
* The angle of CSS3 linear gradients was not consistent across browsers.

1.4 (Sept 6, 2012)

# Enhancement
* Revision History – Settings can now be restored from the previous 20 user actions that changed the Microthemer UI settings (e.g. saving, importing, resetting, activating a design pack). Useful for undoing any mistakes or recovering from a glitch in the UI.

# Bugs Fixed
* Resetting the Microthemer UI and clearing styles didn't automatically update the active-styles.css stylesheet to reflect the new state of affairs (an additional save was required to do this).

1.3.8 (Aug 5, 2012)

# Enhancement
* Microthemer now has a better method of ensuring that it's stylesheet loads after other stylesheets (so that it can override styles without resorting to !important).
* If Microthemer encounters a problem when trying to save your settings, it will prompt you to email an error report to Themeover. We can use these reports to diagnose problems and release fixes quickly.

# Bugs Fixed
* CSS Property description popup was missing for the custom background image position values.
* Selector Editing options in visual view didn't appear when switching selector under some conditions.
* When using the 'Next' and 'Previous' buttons in the visual view, dynamically added sections were missed out.
* Fixed some issues with the 'Enable sortable sections/selectors' buttons. They didn't always appear or disappear when they were meant to.
* Dynamically created sections didn't have the selective export checkbox

1.3.2 (July 21, 2012)

# Enhancement
* Microthemer can now be used on Multi-site WordPress installs thanks to Abland's work: http://themeover.com/forum/topic/settings-options-in-admin/
* After closing the visual view, scrolling to the last edited or triggering selector is now 4 x faster.
* Updated colorbox (for loading visual view) to version 1.3.19 with faster set up procedure

# Bugs Fixed
* When merging settings in the Microthemer UI, the active theme is set to 'Custom Configuration' to more accurately describe the action taken by the user (it used to be set to the theme being imported, which didn't make much sense).
* Renaming a Section was not working. This resulted in downstream errors that negatively affected the Microthemer UI.
* Javascript errors in the Microthemer UI may result in selectors being malformed. In turn, this can create problems saving your settings. Whenever we identify JS errors we fix them. However, we wanted to implement a contingency plan. So now Microthemer looks for malformed selectors and alerts you to exactly which selector you need to delete in order to restore normal functionality.
* Fixed a JS error that occurred after modifying a selector in the visual view under some circumstances
* After closing the visual view, the window didn't scroll to the triggering selector if nothing was edited.

1.3 (June 7, 2012)

# Enhancement
* Made the textarea for entering CSS selector code full width as I found it often needed manually resizing
* Added option to manually add !important declaration on a per style basis.
* When exporting to a new design pack, the new theme is also available in the import select menu. Useful for when you want to selectively export sections and then easily copy them back into the UI using import with merge (no naming conflicts occur when you do this).
* Updated CSS3 PIE to version 1.0 – first non-beta release.
* You can now specify custom x-axis and y-axis units for background image position
* Added an option to clear CSS style definitions in the Microthemer UI while keeping the sections and selectors intact. It's a useful way to easily update a Theme Pack after discovering the need for additional selectors during the design process.
* (minor) Moved dependent css styles condition into separate function for more flexible use

# Bugs Fixed
* Renaming a selector that has the same name as it's parent section caused javascript errors in the Microthemer UI which presented as buttons not working etc.
* Under some circumstances, installing a design pack resulted in the Theme being renamed as 'None'.
* When a Theme enqueues it's stylesheets there is a possibility that it's stylesheets will be called after Microthemer's stylesheet. Microthemer now checks the name of the theme so that it can specify which stylesheets should load BEFORE the Microthemer stylesheet. This was found to be necessary after adding support for ClassiPress.
* Selective export checkbox disappeared after renaming a section
* When Microthemer checks for incorrect image paths, it presented the same image multiple times if it was used multiple times in the design.

1.1.9 (Apr 24, 2012)

# Bugs Fixed
* When trying to activate Microthemer, on some servers this caused the following error message: Warning: file_get_contents() [function.file-get-contents]: URL file-access is disabled in the server configuration

1.1.8 (Apr 19, 2012)

# Enhancement
* Files in Manage Themes table are organised alphabetically now.

# Bugs Fixed
* JS color conflict occurred when used with Templateer aided Artisteer Themes. New naming convention used to fix issue and prevent further issues.

1.1.7 (March 27, 2012)

# Enhancement
* Background image lists are now organised alphabetically
* Microthemer reminds you to activate the automatic update checker so that you can always have the most feature-rich and bug-free version of Microthemer

# Bugs Fixed
* Enabling !important on the Preferences page caused CSS3 PIE gradients to stop working in Internet Explorer

1.1.4 (March 21, 2012)

# Enhancement
* HTML can now be added to the Readme.txt instructions textarea
* design packs can be merged together by an additional import method in the Microthemer UI
* Microthemer UI Sections can be selectively exported to a design pack – useful when combined with the merge method

# Bugs Fixed
* No code was changed, but a procedural problem to do with the plugin directory name changing with updates was found. This caused problems with CSS3 styles in Internet Explorer. The fix is provided in this forum topic.

1.1.2 (March 12, 2012)

# Enhancement
* Auto-update feature added (needs activating on Preferences page)
* Added 'visibility' and 'cursor' CSS properties to the behaviour group in the microthemer UI

# Bugs Fixed
* The text-transform 'capitalize' property was mis-spelt with an 's' so didn't work
* A call to an undefined jQuery object in jquery.overlay.js caused javascript problems
* On Windows Servers, erroneous https URLs caused server to hang
* Microthemer erroneously offered to copy background images that were set to 'none' to a newly exported design pack
* WordPress admin bar only hidden on Microthemer pages when visual view loads in Microthemer UI
* Creating a new theme from the Manage Themes page wasn't generating the necessary config.json file
* Auto-adding classes to first and last menu item can now be disabled via the preference page if it causes problems

1.0.7 (March 2, 2012)

# Enhancement
* Added support for WordPress Themes Created using Artisteer
* Option to globally add !important to CSS styles (needed to override some Artisteer CSS styles)

# Bugs Fixed
* position styles didn't register if applied without other style properties
* under some circumstances, javascript 'undefined' error killed script when modifying a CSS selector
* Added JS try-catch so rogue clicks don't trigger 'undefined' errors
* Prevented screenshot on Manage Themes page from being cached to avoid possible confusion

1.0 (February 24, 2012)

The initial release.
